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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing I feel like I have another life

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    So this post is a bit weird and normally I’d try to post it in r/spirituality, but I’ve personally had some bad experiences over there so I thought maybe my fellow witches could help me out. I’ve recently had a PULL to an (Asian?) tropical jungle and beach. I live in America. Never been outside of the country, but I can literally see through the eyes of a person as if I was actually there. I also had a lucid dream where I was floating on a current, and that is where the current took me. I have no idea why I’m feeling this connection, I haven’t read any books or watched any shows recently that had that setting, and I’ve never really even thought much about that corner of the world. I have recently discovered that I am able to connect with the subconscious of other people, though that’s still very new and takes a lot of effort and concentration for me. This connection feels somewhat like that, but much more intense. What is going on???

  • I feel like I have another life

  • NotFelec

    February 2, 2023 at 3:27 am

    I guess some people may call it shifting into another reality but that’s just the first thing that come into my mind

  • PetrichorCrepusculi

    February 2, 2023 at 3:27 am

    What’s your ethnic background? More specifically, do you have any ancestors from that region of the world? I was thinking it might be some ancestral memory awakening in your DNA, but of course that would only make sense if you have some background from those regions.

  • ChildrenotheWatchers

    February 2, 2023 at 3:27 am

    Could be past-life memories, or you could be seeing a future location you might go to someday or see on a show.

    When I have procognition it is generally something bad, like a tsunami or earthquake or plane crash. Does anything happen in this place?

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