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    Hello! Recently I have been watching a few of these paranormal videos and in the back of my mind, I always get these descriptions of people, what they are wearing, gender, and age. This has also happened when I was at my neighbor’s house, I never knew what the deal with that house was but when it came up in conversation I told her also my mother that I felt there was a man in his late 30’s there and that the house-made me uncomfortable. My mother then told me the old owner, her husband had died and was around that age. I was wondering if this is something I should venture into or maybe just a normal feeling? (edit: this also happens a couple of times a day! I’ll look at someone a feel like they have a relative present or something like that!)

  • I have a question for all of the mediums here!

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • MantisAwakening

    November 9, 2021 at 9:56 am

    It could quite possibly be mediumship, although really the only way to tell is to evaluate it. You would need to be able to verify the information that you were getting after making a record of it.

    Researchers have developed methods for verifying mediums. This can be quite complicated (the [Windbridge Research Center]( said it was an eight-month process to validate a Medium!), but that is because they are being done in relation to scientific research. You don’t need to do anything that rigorous, but you can follow the same guidelines if you really want to know for sure:

    1. Find a few willing sitters (people you want to do a reading for) who want to participate. For ethical reasons, *never* provide a reading to anyone who has not asked for it. The first time you do this you will need more than one sitter (you will see why later) but after that you can do it with a single sitter.
    2. Have the sitter provide you with some basic information on who they want to contact. Some mediums prefer to know the relationship or have a photo of the deceased, but you may not even need that much depending on your ability.
    3. Put out the intent on who you want to contact related to the sitter. You can do this verbally or in your head, which ever you’re more comfortable with. It is strongly recommended that you indicate you only wish to contact someone related to the sitter, because as unnerving as it is if you don’t sometimes other consciousness will come through.
    4. Write down all information that comes through. Be thorough, don’t worry at this stage about whether the information seems to make sense or not. If you get man, note that. If you sent a hat, note that. If there is a message, write it down. Note each thing as a separate characteristic. You can ask the sitter questions, but try not to communicate anything to them yet.
    5. After you have done readings for several sitters, take one random sitting you have done for another person and the one you have done for the sitter, and ask them to evaluate each of them to see whether it matches up with their target or someone they know. Ask them to evaluate each characteristic as either accurate or not accurate.
    6. At the end, see whether the genuine target scored more accurately overall than the random target. Do this multiple times. If you are consistently scoring more accurately, then there is a definite possibility that you are displaying mediumship ability.

    That would be the scientific way of doing things, but as you can see it is a lot of work. The other thing to do is simply sit down with a willing friend, communicate what comes through, and then at the end ask your friend if they felt it was accurate. If you get very specific details that you would have no other way of knowing, that would be a strong indicator of psi at a minimum (there’s a possibility you could literally be reading the mind of the sitter as opposed to communicating with the deceased).

    There are many books on the subject, but the good news is that there is genuine scientific research being done on it and it is a legitimate thing.

  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 9, 2021 at 9:56 am

    It sounds pretty psychic, but going down this path is entirely your decision. Are you willing to do the work? What are you hoping to get out of it?

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