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Forums Forums Mediums I have crazy bad luck—should I see a medium about this?

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    For most of my life, I have had crazy consistent bad luck. Recently tho, it has picked up tremendously. In the last two months I have had the following happen:
    -an old tire popped on my car
    -caught some metal on the road and popped two more tires less than two weeks later
    -got rear ended
    -car battery died
    -car caught some water and hydroplaned, resulting in me spinning out and totaling my car
    -my dryer broke, then my washer a few days later
    -my water got accidentally shut off by the city
    -found out my employer has been accidentally paying me significantly less that originally stated (I am also electronically tipped at my job so I didn’t catch it right away)
    -lost my Apple Pencil which I need for school because I’m an illustrator
    -got robbed by a homeless person
    -my roommate’s crazy mother showed up to our apartment, staked out until midnight, and tried to break in

    I realize that some of this is human error, but it has felt nonstop recently. My question is, should I seek advice from a medium or possibly a psychic? I realize they are two different groups of people, but I am desperate for someone to tell me why these things keep happening. I would consider myself a decent person with good intentions. I don’t think I’ve done anything to warrant such awful luck. I am open to any suggestions or ideas one might have. I am also an open book, so ask any questions you would like. Thank you for reading this!

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