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    Everything I’m sharing goes against my religious teaching. I feel such a struggle because of this because my christian views say this is wrong.

    I need help
    I feel stupid and crazy.

    I have been interested in death and the afterlife for as long as I can remember. Most kids don’t worry about death. I did, not for me but my loved ones. I knew what death was and when you died I’d never be able to hug you again. No one told me this. I just knew it.
    As I got older I realized I was seeing things. Peopleish things.
    Animal, birds and insects will flock to me. The bird thing gets weird sometimes.

    In the last several years I hear things. Both in the physical and in my head. The in my head part is more like someones thoughts in my head. I don’t always “see” these “people” in the physical…but I can since them in my head. Like my friends sister in law hanging out by her urn. I can see her in my head but not with my eyes. I’m not looking for her either.

    Also activity in almost every house I have lived in since I was in my mid 20’s. Light turning off/on, doors opening/closing. A fork once bent in my hand. I’m not making this up and it freaks me out.

    But the dead talking to me…that’s what’s really hard. All of this makes me feel very crazy and like I’m sinning. But it’s happening and I don’t know what to do about it. My husband says it’s a “gift”. What kind of “gift” let’s you know when your loved ones are going to die but give you no way to fix it. It let’s dead people talk to you but you never hear from the ones you would die to hear from. What kind of “gift” makes you feel like your committing a sin?

    I don’t know what to do. How to control this…or use it without feeling conflicted like I’m doing something wrong. And I’ll be honest, I don’t really even know how to use it.

    Or maybe I’m crazy and I just don’t know. But I’m becoming depressed about it.

  • I hear dead people and I’m conflicted

     Neville updated 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • Status-Location7676

    August 18, 2021 at 6:51 am

    Premonition is when you see things before it happens…clairaudient is when you hear things. And there are plenty of people who go through similar experiences, myself included and no it is not a sin

  • RicottaPuffs

    August 18, 2021 at 6:51 am

    So. Rule out the physical causes. Look for validation of what you are hearing. Ask them for something you can validate.

    Decide how you to proceed from there. You can block your abilities, if it is that much of a conflict. However,once blocked, getting them back seems to be extremely difficult.

  • RicottaPuffs

    August 18, 2021 at 6:51 am

    Don’t let the religious issues get to you too much.

    Religion is not the same as spirituality as you know. There is so much we don’t understand. And, religions either tell us the world is full of spirit. Or that spirit is somewhere else and all else is not real, or not good, or a trick.

    Our reality tells us otherwise, in so many of our belief systems. I can think of a few that would make being a medium very difficult.

  • all_da_weiwei

    August 18, 2021 at 6:51 am

    look into Osiris, the god of the underworld. it is still tied with your Christianity, but more tha truth of where Christianity came from and was attempting to go before taken over by Roman government.

    Mary Magdalene worked under Isis, the wife and sister of Osiris. she was trained for when she came together with Yeshua [Jesus]. it was Jesus’ path to die and leave a path of light in tha underworld so that all of us after him maybe have an easier time walking through to tha other side.

    Through sex magic taught under tha Cult of Isis, Mary Magdalene was able to help Jesus gain great strength in his gifts and energy which is what helped him to gain such momentum.

    Jesus’ whole intention of his speech was to teach us that we are all god, therefore we can all be gods. anyone can achieve tha same strength in gifts as Jesus had with practice. he was trying to remind us of that before his life was taken and the religion was changed to work for tha government.

  • PurpleCow111

    August 18, 2021 at 6:51 am

    I understand being conflicted. You do have some choice in this, you can choose to “close” just as much as you can choose to become “open.”

    I saw and heard and sensed some scary shit when I was a kid, so I shut it down as much as I could. Similar to repressed memories, it can happen consciously as well as unintentionally.

  • tvtoad50

    August 18, 2021 at 6:51 am

    I don’t if I’m going to be able to verbalize this in the way I want to because I haven’t ever tried to before… so bear with me. I think if you go back to the beginning of humankind there were always people that had the gifts of extra sensory perception, of contacts with angels and people that have passed on, etc,. The awareness of God was there: Stories were told and legends created. Bigger and bigger societies were formed and as they formed religions were created within them. All of these different cultures we have around our world – they all have had people within them that have these abilities. But the people without the abilities didn’t understand because they weren’t experiencing it for themselves. It seems to me people that wanted power would separate from what they didn’t like or agree with and take all these stories they knew and developed them into their own versions of that- create new beliefs and new stories to fit whatever they thought society should look like. So we have all of these different religions all over the world that started because of the initial awareness in their culture of whatever they thought to be God and our creation to be. Their culture interpreted it as it worked for them and centuries go by and no matter what religion you believe in and no matter who you believe God to be there can really only be one truth. I really think it’s just one- and that whatever religion you believe in whether it’s Christianity, Judaism, Muslim , etc., all stem from the people that formed those societies in those cultures. Religion (to me) is simply mans interpretation of what God is and what they want Him to be. Not necessarily what or who He really is. So… for me… it’s never been about following the rules of what a church or religion says- it’s been about having faith that we are all here for a divine purpose- that we are all here to love and learn and grow. To do it with nothing but love and appreciation for everyone on our planet- no matter what their religion or race or beliefs. No one person was created as being any better than any other. If you choose to do the right thing and do it with love and acceptance for everyone vs judgement or some sense of superiority that what you believe is the only truth out there then you’re already on the right track. You don’t need the Bible, the Talmud, the Koran or any other book written by man to dictate whether or not something is right or wrong- they all stemmed from the true source of our existence- they just all evolved in different ways. Through centuries of evolving cultures and beliefs and good men and bad men that amended them to mold their society in the ways they wanted. Unfortunately, through all of these years it’s been taken too far- it’s been used to steer men into battles and wars in fights for ultimate power, to dictate to people how they can and cannot live- to claim superiority over other cultures and beliefs because their society’s interpretations didn’t match another’s. So you have a gift- this amazing gift- and just because your religion doesn’t condone it or understand it doesn’t mean that it’s wrong. It can’t be wrong because it’s exists from a higher place- just like we do.

  • alphamsh

    August 18, 2021 at 6:51 am

    You got a cool ability. You aren’t crazy. Embrace it and learn how to ground yourself and protect yourself via magick such as warding and banishing.

    If I had this ability I’d invoke an entity u feel connected to (like a goetic demon (or angel) I feel attracted to…they aren’t evil) and try and communicate with it and even ask it for guidance. This is an amazing gift that many work out for years and you are just given it.

    You are more powerful than you realize.

  • Jenn54

    August 18, 2021 at 6:51 am

    I am not a medium, but am interested in the topic, please don’t mind my comment if it does not seem relevant.

    You are not using ‘sorcery’ to communicate so it is not a sin. Like your husband said, it is a gift.

    Maybe the purpose will be apparent later, like someone needing a message from the other side to help them with their grief.

    At the end of the day, your life is a gift and it is for living. In the present. You can chose to use these gifts, or chose not to. That is what life is about, choices.

    Don’t feel guilty for having a Sense, it is like feeling guilty for the ability to feel and touch, you cannot control it.

  • joshua_3

    August 18, 2021 at 6:51 am

    Something has opened up in you that is closed in most of us. If you don’t want it then you can just simply ask from the universe to close it down.

    There are two ways to keep this up. Either by resisting it or being interested in it. Where you attention goes there your energy goes thus resistance and interest both energize this

    The more you are in your own true power the less external energies have an impact on you. The best book about the subject that I have read is Eckhart Tolle’s The Power of Now. (you can just google: eckhat tolle power of now pdf).

    If you need more help I recommend contacting: []( (you can just use google translate for this page)

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