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Forums Forums Mediums I know things I don’t know-looking for advice

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    I think this is the best place to post this, but if not feel free to advise me. As the title suggests, I know information, facts, places that I have no business knowing.

    For instance, today I was watching a documentary and before they said the name of the building I knew where it was and that it burned down in a fire. This place was in California and I’m in Canada, kinda weird!

    But this happens almost constantly, I will know the exact dates a book was published without ever picking up the book-only to test myself. My wife also will test me with questions because she didn’t understand either.

    I feel like I know people before I’ve really gotten to know them, I can predict how they will act and exactly what they will do. Most of this knowledge is random and doesn’t feel like it’s mine-if that makes sense. I can read certain people’s minds and the words pop in my head for these random bits of knowledge it’s the same type of event.

    I hope this makes any sort of sense, it’s so strange I’m no savant, I shouldn’t know details about random places in the UK or math equations when I can’t add. That’s the other weird thing, I’m fucking terrible at math but now the answer will pop in my head immediately and will be correct.

    Thoughts? Advice?

  • I know things I don’t know-looking for advice

     Nicolina updated 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • MarsFire

    August 27, 2021 at 7:51 am

    This is called claircognizance, which means you have the psychic ability to acquire knowledge without knowing how or why you know it, you just know it. Overtime it will become more clear and you can also develop clairaudience or clairvoyance depending on the practice path you go into first. Good luck!

  • dogfartsreallystink

    August 27, 2021 at 7:51 am

    Past life connections for sure. But also you’re claircognizant!

  • CanadianJeep79

    August 27, 2021 at 7:51 am

    It’s possible you’re letting your awareness span ahead a bit in time. Precognition of information you’re about to experience. Man if that’s the case, play keno!

    You seem to be tapping space and time and the collective consciousness.

    Fine tuned antenna. This sounds bizarre but try wrapping your head with tinfoil and see if you still have it. Failing that add a wrap of it around your torso/heart. Be curious to hear the results in a dm

  • sir-morti

    August 27, 2021 at 7:51 am

    I have a small degree of this too and I find this relatable! Sometimes in class, I’ll know the answer to something without even knowing the subject all too well. This happens in classes where I know practically nothing, yet I somehow know it at the same time.

    Do you also get the feeling that certain things repeat themselves? I’ll learn a fact about an event happening currently and my brain will go “this is just like back when [x happened]” and I get weird looks if I mention it like I’m not supposed to know because none of this is public info, apparently. I think I may have been someone who knew a lot of things in a past life, maybe an individual in government or a federal agency, or maybe I just knew a lot of things.

  • MadForestSynesthesia

    August 27, 2021 at 7:51 am

    This sounds interesting. I can’t say much else other than I’m drawn to your post

  • Vetty1205

    August 27, 2021 at 7:51 am

    Same here!! I just know things. I think that’s why so many people come to me for advice. I have two degrees, BA and master’s, so some things I did learn. Neither degree is in the medical field, yet when my hubby asks my advice about his mom’s illness, I just KNOW the answers. There’s no reason I should know the answers either, as I’ve never really researched it either.

  • yasi86

    August 27, 2021 at 7:51 am

    I have something similar but not as far developed as yours.
    I’m empathic and although I would not call myself a ‘medium’ i have seen, heard and sensed spirits my whole life. (It’s passed down through my maternal blood line, my grandmothers mum, my grandmother,my mum, my two brothers, my two sisters and now my own children and most of my nieces and nephews!)

    But like you I know things I shouldn’t know.
    I will have an interaction with someone and know things about them, usually personal things about their life or character or if they are lying that will later be true. Or I can detect someone’s energy/mood even if they are hiding it and no one else notices.

    I guess you could say that’s just reading micro expressions but 🤷🏻‍♀️ doesn’t feel like that.

    I also can sense things in locations.

  • aliceanonymous99

    August 27, 2021 at 7:51 am

    I’d like to add information in case it’s relevant. This started after I had a very bad accident where I was hit by car quite violently. I had no injuries from the accident and my mind has been way more tuned in ever since.

  • Goodfellow_fanclub

    August 27, 2021 at 7:51 am

    I think the most important thing here is to realize how absolutely awesome this is, and I am not ashamed to admit that I am totally jelous 🤣👍

  • TheSaltyTarot

    August 27, 2021 at 7:51 am

    Congratulations on your recent marriage! 😀

  • LittleLamb_1

    August 27, 2021 at 7:51 am

    Did this come randomly?

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