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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing I need help deciphering what happened last night.

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    Last night I had a nightmare about my best friend, my grandma, and my friend who I’m in love with sitting in a boat with me. I was tied by my hands and feet to the boat. They each kissed my cheek one by one and jumped off the boat and let themselves sink. I woke up form my dream because I had screamed and startled myself awake. I felt like I was drowning and started to cough and gargle trying to breathe. I coughed and spat out blood into my hands, but it was dark so I didn’t realize it was blood until I got to the bathroom, turned on the light and saw that my nose was bleeding profusely down my face and into my mouth, as well as seeing a massive Hobo spider on the wall beside the mirror and one on the floor.

    Do you guys think it was anything special? or maybe just a bad nightmare? I need some advice before I act.

Reply to: Hefty-Mushroom3105
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