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Forums Forums Psychic I need insight on my chakra development!

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    Hi! So I have only recently started meditating about a week ago, and I have several questions about the chakras. For me, I have always had a different understanding about relationships, and how meaningful that are. I have a hard time socializing because I know most people are not real. I can see right through people and I know who really cares.

    After starting meditation, it is obvious to me that my chakras are seemingly developing in reverse? I have a strong affinity for the crown, throat, and third eye chakras, but the others I know are blocked. Why could this be? Why are my chakras opening in reverse order? Is this unhealthy?

  • I need insight on my chakra development!

     [deleted] updated 2 years, 1 month ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • SiwelRise

    March 21, 2022 at 2:38 pm

    This will tend to happen for people who feel safer in their head but have more trouble inhabiting or trusting their own bodies because of either a lack of safety or need to escape uncomfortable emotions (i.e., seeing the body as an enemy instead of an assistant). However in order to achieve true balance, all chakras should be worked on. There is even a danger of having spiritual psychosis if you are too far removed from being well-grounded in reality.

    It sounds like your sacral and root chakras need some work. The sacral has to do with emotions, connection and vulnerability in relationships, while the root chakra is concerned with day-to-day reality and basic survival needs like food, shelter, and both external and internal safety. What I mean by internal safety is a basic sense of trust in yourself to love and take care of yourself (re-parenting yourself). I suggest you start your work in these domains as they will be necessary for you to gain balance in your system as a whole, and help to unlock greater energetic flow and opening of all chakras.

  • SuperfriendsK

    March 21, 2022 at 2:38 pm

    No… it’s not! I too believe my lesson in this life, is to learn to simply exist, within the physical world… it has NOT been easy!

    The theory of chakra’s and yoga, is complex, due to so many different view, and corrupted information.

    I follow Hermetic Alchemy, and the unique idea all is one consciousness. The chakra’s system, is a calculated clear instruction on how to achieve enlightenment, through the process of Initiation, by removing visual veils to reunite with the true-self. What does that mean? Yes, it is the reason information about charka is sketchy, as translation is often misinterpreted.

    I have to think about this question a little more. In the meantime will open it up to group for some idea’s, and views of what chakra’s mean to them.

  • gmandave777

    March 21, 2022 at 2:38 pm

    I apologize for giving you a book recommendation to help you with your issue, but I was in exactly the same place as you until someone recommended it to me and I read it: Wheels of Life by Judith Anodea, Ph.D. Audible is my preference, but the book is just as helpful.

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