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Forums Forums Mediums I need some guidance can anybody get anything from her please x

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    I need some guidance can anybody get anything from her please x

  • I need some guidance can anybody get anything from her please x

    Youhavebeenghosted updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • WomanOfTechnicolor

    February 10, 2021 at 12:32 pm

    Hi, she had a navy blue aura when this was taken. Rare for an older woman. I’m seeing great depth of thought and high intelligence. You’re not eating well. Or you’re doing something to your body that’s toxic to it and she’s telling you to eat more green foods. She’s saying “I told you so” in a loving way as if she had predicted something and it turned out the same way. Blessings ❤️

  • Mysterious-Trust-897

    February 10, 2021 at 12:32 pm

    I’m not a medium but the second I saw this picture I felt the most intense overwhelming feeling of emotion. Like my heart started racing and I felt pressure behind my eyes and chest. I don’t know if it was positive or negative, just intense.

  • vizar77

    February 10, 2021 at 12:32 pm

    I feel like the other two responses here are feeding off of your energy, not hers. When I first saw the picture, I heard laughter. She liked this shirt, and she likes that bright light that’s in this particular picture. I’m getting that she’s an aunt or other familial figure to you. For some reason, I keep seeing and hearing an apple. I get nothing negative, other than she wants you to be happy and not to give up. She’s business-like, serious, but not in pain or scared. She doesn’t want you to be either. When I meditate on someone who has passed, I do not allow negative spirits who mean harm to come through, so this is a positive spirit who means to send you love and light. I hope this helps!

  • PhoenixingAshes

    February 10, 2021 at 12:32 pm

    I’m wondering what you might be seeking as I am picking up a few different things. I’m sorry I didn’t read the messages/posts here, so I apologize if you have already answered but I try to avoid allowing any influence from other people’s experiences. But I have about three things I’m picking up. One is regarding her and a male figure who is either a son, or…. But I mostly get a feeling of son/nephew mostly son(a male that she would have cared for in a motherly way) that there I some sort of a message for that the male is needing to hear.

    I also get two other things that seem to be lingering, regarding my vibes.

  • Youhavebeenghosted

    February 10, 2021 at 12:32 pm

    My heart races and I feel like I am suffocating when I connect with her. She says she is not okay, stuck, there is so much panic coming from her. My head hurts at the right temple, and I can feel pain shooting down the back of my neck into my left shoulder. I feel dizzy as I ask her what is wrong and she repeatedly says “help me” and that “nobody listens to me when I say something is wrong”.

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