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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing I never liked the “everyone is beautiful movement “ because that’s just impossible. We all should learn to respect ourselves and others, regardless how we all look and are.

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    I never liked the “everyone is beautiful movement “ because that’s just impossible. We all should learn to respect ourselves and others, regardless how we all look and are.

  • I never liked the “everyone is beautiful movement “ because that’s just impossible. We all should learn to respect ourselves and others, regardless how we all look and are.

  • gindreams

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    I logically understand the fact that beauty is a man made construct. My existence should be valued because I am a living thing, not because of my appearance. But with that being said… It does not change the fact that I do want to be beautiful. It’s a weird struggle to have.

  • PlasticFannyTastic

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    Oh my word, I agree so much with this… I’m so bored of this endeavour to be beautiful (even if we’re talking about traditionally less acceptable physical traits)…. Why do we have to be beautiful or still be so focused on the external aesthetics? Can’t we be witty, interesting, clever, creative, kind, helpful human beings that aren’t just focused on our outward appearance? I was quite beautiful in my younger years, those days are now gone because of illness/age – which I’m fine with – but I’m a much nicer, emotionally balanced, wiser, more creative and interesting person now – is no-one interested in that?

  • sallyface

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    Wanted to share something I wrote down a long time ago working on my self:

    I don’t get offended by being called fat. I am fat. Meaning I have an excess of adipose tissue throughout my body. This is a literal description of me, like I have brown hair and blue eyes. I am this way because I did not learn good nutrition or how to have a healthy relationship with food growing up. I’m working on fixing that now.

    The amount of excess fat on my body does not define me as a person. I am not bad or a horrible person because of it. I have nothing to be ashamed of because of it. My self worth is not tied to my body.

  • shok_antoinette

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    I’ll extend this to the “queen” mentality. Every strong woman being referred to as a queen. I’m not a queen and don’t have queen traits, but I’m still strong and independent. The notion bothers me.

  • a_duck_in_past_life

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    Yep. You don’t have to be a sexual icon to be human. Plain and simple. It’s okay to look like a human ape. Because that’s what we literally are.

  • Microphilia

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    I find that a person just looks like a person until I get to know them. Then their mannerisms blend into the shape of them and their colors and curves and clothing choice, until the longer I know them and the more I like them, the more beautiful they become.

  • pistachiopistache

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    I so agree with this. The issue is the conflation of ‘beautiful’ with ‘worthy.’ And the people shouting about stretchmarks and fat being beautiful aren’t fighting back against that so much as buying into it completely and then trying to deal with the insecurities born of that belief by lying and saying ugly things are beautiful. They aren’t. Which is…OK. It’s totally OK. Beauty is not a prerequisite for worth and I would be the first to call someone out for dismissing a not-beautiful person’s opinions or personal worth based on their lack of beauty.

  • curiousdoodler

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    I hate how “body positivity” has become an “everybody is pretty” movement. To me, this attitude is quite positive.

  • figgypie

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    This is why I acknowledge how gross our bodies are. We secrete all sorts of smelly things from just about every orifice, and we make awful smells from most other parts of our bodies too. We sweat, we poop, we pee, we bleed from our vaginas when they’re not gooping up our underwear. Men’s balls are saggy and smell like mushrooms after a long day.

    And y’know what? Theres no reason to be ashamed because IT HAPPENS TO EVERYBODY. You know those supermodels you see photoshopped to hell in magazines? They take big, steamy shits and have smelly feet by the end of the day just like the rest of us. Just keep yourself clean for hygiene reasons, wear deodorant, and don’t pretend that the human body is this perpetually beautiful thing. I look and smell like a bloated sea hag first thing in the morning, but I clean up nice.

  • LurkingArachnid

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    It’s so weird beauty comes into the picture, it’s so irrelevant. Should be more like, “every women is capable of great things” or something like that

  • PalmTreePhilosophy

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    True. I do think stretch marks are cool, though. I think there’s a line between the misogynistic guy who is ‘eww, women are human? Anything not perfect is gross’ and ‘everything is beautiful’.

  • jaman4dbz

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    My ex whom I was with for a very long time was super self conscious about scars she had and I was just like “you’re so incredibly beautiful” and she was like “but the scars don’t look good.” And I was always like “yeah, but they’re not a big deal, and you still look incredibly beautiful…”

    Like, I almost think it’s true that everyone is beautiful, but it’s in very different ways and IMO it’s rarely static physical parts of the body. It’s the way someone smiles, it’s the words they use, the way they pause before giving a compliment, or the way they swoon at trees. Like ppl limit themselves if beauty is just the naked still body. Take it all in, it’s all so beautiful!!

  • m0ther_0F_myriads

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    There’s attractive. Then there’s beautiful. You can be beautiful in a lot of ways. Physical attractiveness is just one. I have known and loved lots of people who are not conventionally attractive but are absolutely beautiful human beings. That being said, body neutral is the way to be. People look how they look and that’s how they look. I’m Ace, so body neutral is my default, anyway. I give zero f*cks about attractiveness. I can’t imagine being a different way.

  • SoulSensei

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    It’s just such a basic, shallow thing to judge people based on their outward appearance. Or on things they can’t control or change.

    I’m in this weird spot where, yes I do have a pretty face but I’ve always been just a little bit fluffy. I feel like I get judged fairly harshly for both, to be quite frank.

    Both my parents/family & my in-laws are heavily influenced by appearances. It almost always leads to inappropriate remarks at family dinners.

    I’d like to also say that I absolutely love asymmetry in faces & bodies, freckles, moles, scars, extremes, whatever! Oh and show me a centenarian who doesn’t have a face etched by love and pain, beauty & war. There really is beauty in everyone, so please read this as my personal compliment to whatever makes you beautiful- outside and most especially in. 😚

  • CavalierMoose

    July 17, 2021 at 4:39 am

    Always believed in keeping the bags under my eyes visible in order to warn people of my current state. Mess with someone who has dark blue circles under their eyes, get what’s comin’ to ya.

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