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Forums Forums Tarot I saw this love life tarot trick on pinterest, the one where you find the lovers card and see what’s before and after. Can i get some alternate perspectives?

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    I saw this love life tarot trick on pinterest, the one where you find the lovers card and see what’s before and after. Can i get some alternate perspectives?

  • I saw this love life tarot trick on pinterest, the one where you find the lovers card and see what’s before and after. Can i get some alternate perspectives?

    nauxzhekrucz updated 3 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 5 Replies
  • HouseofNineCups

    February 7, 2021 at 7:46 am

    I agree with the above comment, which suggested using The Moon as your signifier and pulling additional cards for further clarification.

    The Moon is perhaps my favorite card in Tarot, but it’s a complex one. It deals heavily with the unconscious/subconscious emotions and drives that can come to rule our lives. Those same unconscious drives are also the source of our intuition, flashes of psychic insight, inspired dreams, and a great deal of creativity. The Moon in its highest form is a card of great mysticism.

    Conversely, The Moon represents not just our subconscious, but specifically our hidden fears. If we hide from certain truths or fears, we give them the power to control our choices, unconsciously.

    The Moon corresponds to Neptune- which governs issues like illusion, fantasy, mania, and especially alcoholism and addiction. These are the negative aspects of The Moon.

    Perhaps, The Moon speaks to a fear of finding yourself in a confusing (possibly deceptive), addictive pattern of toxicity in a relationship which comes at the cost of your own identity. The presence of The Moon in a reading indicates a fear that needs to be brought to light, as well as a need for stability and security within oneself. YOU need to be able to trust that you’re safe, protected, and won’t be driven crazy by taking on another person’s energy and life baggage when you are likely trying to do your own inner maintenance like the rest of us.

  • Sleavlog

    February 7, 2021 at 7:46 am

    I would say that death reaffirms your need/wish to step away from unhealthy relationships or kill your ideal of a love relationship which does not suit you and the moon is telling you to work on yourself, to embrace the shadow within, so you can start anew. Maybe you can do another spread with the moon as significator to give you further insight and to help you with the process. Best of luck ????

  • Firelight-Firenight

    February 7, 2021 at 7:46 am

    This is the classic rider waite deck. And i wanted a bit of insight about my potential future relationships.

    To preface this, i am currently single and equal parts curious and put off relationships due to being surrounded by some seriously unhealthy ones.

    My parents very clearly married because one wanted money and the other was sensitive about being single forever though they try really hard to convince people otherwise. My cousin has a similarly volatile relationship and the only friend i have that’s in a relationship is in one thats really really one sided and not in her favor. I think the term is codependant???

    My take on this is that I’m in the middle of a transition phase (death)

    I don’t know what to make of the second card. Thats supposed to be my would be or currently non existent significant other right? Or something i need to leave behind?

  • espressofeetlattes

    February 7, 2021 at 7:46 am

    I know this is the basic Rider-Waite deck but what a beautiful size!
    I love it!????

  • nauxzhekrucz

    February 7, 2021 at 7:46 am

    I going to focus on “the lovers” cos its not a “love” card about feelings of affectionate love towards other people.

    The lovers is a christian version of the golden dawn (Adam + Eve + Angel Raphael + Sin Snake (Satan)) to “The lover” the one who “loves” and it’s not specified what is the “love” because you can love anything, cos is more about “desire” and “passion” on something or… someone…

    In TDM decks you can find it as “the lover” with two women on the sides and a cupid over them.

    On other decks its called “the two paths”.

    Cos there’s always something in between of what you desire to do and what’s stopping you.

    Do this instead (just my suggestion):

    Shuffle your deck and put one card signifying you at the moment, and then one on the left and the other on the right.

    The left is what you **THINK** it’s best for you.

    The right is **what you WANT to do**, even if it’s not right.

    Then add all of them from left to right: first + second + third = your answer.

    I recommend to add numerology meanings on your spreads, you get more accurate answers.

    In your case would be 13 (4) + 6 + 18 (9) = 37 (10 = 1)

    And I know I told you a fast explanation, but I dont wanna be boring LOL.

    Have nice spreads 🙂

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