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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing i think a deity is reaching out

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    I’ve been feeling a draw to study and have started reading all the books I can get my hands on I’m still not really sure what I’m doing and if I get something wrong please forgive me and correct me so I know.

    I have been feeling like something is reaching out but I’m not sure if it’s a deity or which one.

    The two names that keep appearing over and over again everywhere I seem to look are Hecate and The Morrigan. I also keep seeing that The Morrigan Is not for newbies.

    The biggest thing I’ve noticed is that wild animals seem to be drawn to me all kinds. I’ve had tons of stray cats come up to me recently as well as chipmunks, a groundhog baby came up and yelled at me, lots of birds of different kinds, tons and tons of bunnies, dogs although these are usually accompanied by their owners,and a few snakes. I’m starting to feel like a freaking Disney princess (it’s kinda awesome though I love animals)

    I started researching Hecate and some of what I’ve read are her signs that I’ve seen a lot of

    Owls- have been very prominent throughout my life
    Dogs- as well as seeing them out and about I actually have a black lab mix rescue
    Keys- I have always loved keys and I’ve been seeing a lot more of them lately
    The #13 keeps appearing

    I’m not interested in love spells or hexing. I am very interested in protection and healing. One thing I keep seeing that kind of intrigues me but I definitely do not feel ready for is cord cutting with candles. I am currently I believe working on shadow work, I’m working with a therapist and trying to heal myself and get to the core causes of some of my personal issues.

    This was long so if you got to the end thank you very much! I appreciate any and all advice and insight

  • i think a deity is reaching out

  • kai-ote

    July 28, 2022 at 9:58 pm

    Up to a point, The Morrigan and Hecate are both considered to be “Triple” Goddesses.

    There is a lot of overlap in their characteristics. I suggest reading up more on the concept of a triple Goddess, and then follow what seems to call to you the most. Hope this helps a bit. BB.

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