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Forums Forums Mediums I think I have become sensitive to the spirit world since my fathers passing. Does anyone know what happened to me?

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    Hi all this is a repost from r/spirituality.

    Right before my father died, I was sitting at his bedside and touching his leg. A feeling of pure joy came over me. It was a feeling that I had never felt before. It was a feeling of joy with out any reservations, devoid of fear, anger and sadness. I can not compare it to any feeling of happiness in my entire life. Getting married, my daughters birth. Nothing. It was perfect.

    I was waiting for the doctor to come to tell me about how much time he had left. The doctor came and told me death could come in hours or days. I told the doctor that I couldn’t understand it why I am sitting here with my dad and a feeling of joy came over me. The doctors face changed. I looked at him and said, should I go get my mom? He said yes, go get your mom. But I want you to understand that he may not be here when you get back.

    So I left and got my mom. When we got back, dad was gone. The nurses said he started struggling to breath and the alarms went off as soon as I left. Mom wanted to see dad and we stayed with him and we mourned over him for a few hours. All this time this feeling of joy stayed with me. I felt the pain, but this feeling of joy was also with me.

    This was the most beautiful experience of my life.

    It was traumatizing for me to see my dad like that. Every time I saw his face in death after that I would see in my minds eye his alive face smiling at me. I swear every time I would break down crying I would see his arms around me.

    A few weeks after he died I started to get dizzy. I was very puzzled by it. I even got an mri but they could find nothing wrong. It wasn’t a I want to fall down dizzy just a swirling feeling in my head. There was a day a few months after his death I randomly met a woman who said she was sensitive. She told me as soon as I mentioned my dad that he came to her and was waving at her and that in the spirit world this means thank you.

    She sat down with me for a moment and looked at me and said he is with you now. That dizzy feeling came on but to be honest I wasn’t sure if she was full of shit, but of course i wanted to believe and I wanted to be polite. So I just smiled and accepted what she said.

    A few months after that I was sitting home alone quiet and a song came on that reminded me of my dad and I started to cry. Ever so gently I felt a gentle breeze come over me and settle on top of me and that dizzy feeling come over me. I finally connected that dizzy feeling with my dads presence. Ever since then when someone I know dies, they come to me. Every spirit feels different but they are all the same in that I feel them in a slightly different part of my head with varying levels of that swirling feeling in my head.

    My mom just passed and she comes to me frequently. Sometimes mom and dad come to me at the same time. It is such a comforting feeling.

    Does anyone understand how my fathers death made me sensitive? Is there anything I can do to be able to understand this better? Is there a name for this experience?

  • I think I have become sensitive to the spirit world since my fathers passing. Does anyone know what happened to me?

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • namethatmedium

    November 8, 2021 at 6:48 am

    We are all wired to connect with our loved ones, and it’s often a death of a loved one that triggers the realization of that wiring. Mediumship isn’t a gift, it’s a skill. It’s learning to recognize and work the wiring. It does come more naturally to some, but we all have the wiring necessary to communicate with the other side. Now you recognize it and are aware of it.

  • RicottaPuffs

    November 8, 2021 at 6:48 am

    This was such a beautiful experience to share. Thank you.

  • fleurrrish

    November 8, 2021 at 6:48 am

    First, I want to send you my love and condolences. I lost my mother almost a year ago (it’ll be a year on the 11th of this month) and seeing her in her last stages traumatized me as well. I find it uncanny how relatable this is, down to the asking how much time she had left to becoming ultra sensitive to spirits that have passed.

    I definitely want to confirm that you’re not alone as I’ve experienced the same. I once read something that said NDEs and the passing of someone you were incredibly close to can render you more sensitive. I’ve felt the chills and breezes letting me know she’s still here. The lights flickering. The very clear messages on license plates (ie. HAVAPLAN – at the time I was immersed in thought about how to flesh out the life I wanted to live going forward. The dreams. Random songs reminding me of her. Birds loudly chirping by my window – which was not a thing before. It’s truly amazing.

    Sorry to tell you I don’t have a lot of answers… but I have done things to maintain my spiritual hygiene to being more open like reiki sessions, spiritual baths, reading psalms, meditation (trying to get better with this), reading about mediumship and have even decided to take a Reiki I class. There’s a ton of ways to come to a better understanding of your gift(s). You’ll find something that resonates with you. ❤️

  • stephyduh

    November 8, 2021 at 6:48 am

    I believe when we lose someone very close to us, we become even closer to the spirit world because we now have this undeniable connection to it. It is our love that binds us to spirit, and some of us are willing to recognize this connection and see that they are actually receiving messages and signs from their loved ones. It is beautiful that you trust your intuition when visited by a loved one and feel that love and comfort they are sending you. 🌄 🌻

  • Airport_Fart

    November 8, 2021 at 6:48 am

    You’re tapped in. Now you can have confidence that they will be there for your transition at the end of your life. Incredible!

  • vesseman

    November 8, 2021 at 6:48 am

    i think i get this swirling feeling in meditation en read post on reddit about it
    everybody is diffirent abilities try to find free ebooks about mediums and related stuff read about it the most answers of some amazing stuff happening to me i found in there
    if there is something “dangerous” happening” to you your intuition or instinct will kick in to me it feels like my spirit guide is helping en placing what you need to know into my mind jou will automatically feel and do what is right you have amazing gifts try to explore them and follow your feeling
    the swirling feeling i think it has to do with my third eye if you close your eyes i see an eye it goes like this a big circle coming from the outside of my visionfeeld en it comes together in the middle in a small circle the eye i speak off but the swirling can be scary i have read an explanition to it i also like its the vibration your sending out becoming an one with the unverse around you connecting in a deeper way
    if you ever need a converstation with someone understanding and listening to you and feel alone contact me in chat to me a good conversation can help a lot!
    my soul greets your soul
    believe in yourself and your abilities and you will have an amazing journey ahead of you
    i wish you the best

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