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Forums Forums Mediums I think my daughter may be a medium?

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    My oldest is 7.
    Over the years she has said things to me and my family that has absolutely been shocking.

    • she described that my mother’s father was sick and died while I was pregnant with her. He died the month before she was born.
    • she said that she missed our old dog because he used to protect her when she was a baby. She knew his name. He died when she was 2.
    • she told me of a place that had a huge backyard that she got to play in the leaves. But there was a sick woman that would stand behind the sliding glass doors and never came outside. She said her name was Becky and said “I want to go back to beckys house”. Becky was my uncles wife who had cancer and came home on hospice and passed away in the home in 2011. 3 years before she was born. The only time my daughter has ever been to that house was when she was a year old.
    I know kids can be more sensitive to things, but is this her ability? If it is, how do I support her?

    Edit: I forgot one that happened with my husband. He’s in a band and they were listening to his cd one day. A song he wrote for his mother that had passed came on and she had never heard it before. She told him “you wrote this for your mom didn’t you? She loves it”

  • I think my daughter may be a medium?

    RicottaPuffs updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 23 Replies
  • c-shadrach

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    Strengthen her Faith in whatever you follow. Teach her that she should practice seeing and surrounding herself with the White Light and that if she ever sees anything that is too spooky for her, to pray to see it in a way that doesn’t scare her.

  • MamaSmAsh5

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    Always interact. Ask questions. You could keep a journal of some sort too. I would make sure she knows you believe her and you should start teaching her how to protect herself in the white light. Also grounding techniques will be helpful…I suck at that myself so it’s something even you can do to practice with her. I think you can find plenty of youtube videos to create a playlist of sorts for different practice. Also, you can help her practice yourself. Don’t be afraid of this…if you are, she will be too. She needs you the most right now and if you can arm yourself with knowledge, you’ll be prepared to help guide her. It’s awesome that you’ve recognized it and want to help her already! That’s more than a lot of others’ have had…support is huge!

  • Whisky-Baby15

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    At age 7 most kids begin to lose their ability to connect with the other realms, so this is indeed a wonderful blessing for your daughter to still be able to be in touch with these realms and spirits.

    What I would recommend here is supporting her spiritual gifts as much as you can. Do meditations with your daughter, encourage prayer, and when she speaks of things that are intriguing or mysterious, Do Not dismiss it – instead, ask questions, encourage the growth of her gift. Limit processed food from her diet and also find out what foods and products have fluoride in them, things like toothpaste and normal salt can cause calcification, pink Himalayan salt, and herbal toothpaste helps to decalcify or maintain or uncalcified P.G – use those less frequently as it calcifies the pineal gland. (Third Eye Chakra, the place where our abilities are stored)

    I agree with the other poster about keeping a journal, this is a wonderful habit to ingrain in your daughter from now – even if it is a visual journal where she draws what she sees or draws her understanding of things. It will also be great for her to look at one day and to monitor the progress of her gifts.

    I know I mentioned this before but Pray Pray Pray, both of you – If your daughter has the ability to connect with light, there is also the ability for darkness to come through, this is totally natural, but exactly where prayer will help.

    I am so excited for you and your daughter because I have always said that one day when I have a kiddo of my own, I would love to encourage them to listen to their intuition, and to be open to their gifts. You have a wonderful opportunity to raise a child that has something to share with the world (we all do, but it is especially nice when support & encouragement begins from a young age and having a parent that is non-judgemental about the process and gift).

    ADHD is tough, I can understand this, but it is a gift, Kids with ADHD are thought to be Indigo’s, this may make sense to you, do some reading and see if it resonates.

    Be blessed!

  • rocksbells

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    Curious- when’s her birthday? Encourage her to talk to you about it. Pay attention to her energy levels. It’s something that she’ll need to manage as she gets older end life responsibilities pile on. We lose that natural ability to tap in because we learn to live on a human frequency. Don’t let her lose that. Know when she needs to rest.

    White light…is a protecting light. If you believe in Jesus its the light of the lord. It can emanate from within. Everything the light touches, it protects. It’s not a bad practice for you to actually go through this meditation with her. There is a small light…it’s warm with love and protection. It’s coming from inside and pouring out…touching our skin. It feels like warmth and security. It protects us from what we do not know can hurt us. It protects our home and those we love…etc.

    What a blessing for her to have you as her mother, btw…

  • soulshine_pine

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    My daughter also has abilities, and has since she was a baby. She’s 13 now, on the autism spectrum, and when she was little it freaked me out sometimes. When she was 2, she was in her car seat while I was backing out of the garage (only us in the car) and she covered her eyes and said “mommy tell the man in the front seat to stop looking at me”. Obviously I didn’t see anyone, but about a week later I was going through a tub of pictures, and she pointed to a picture of my deceased grandfather (died when I was pregnant with her and I don’t have any pics of him in my house etc) and she said “that’s the man from your car mommy”.

    She also talked about the fairies that would fly around and talk to her outside her bedroom window at night, she has had visits from angels and remembers bits and pieces of a past life. Ever since she was born, we have had otherworldly experiences in our home too. My husband and I have seen and heard spirits, and I have had a medium approach me in public randomly and tell me all kinds of things that were on point (some were future events that did end up happening). I am very open with her about her abilities and encourage her to tap into her energy with meditation and I’m always interested to hear things that she tells me.

  • Nyxiola

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    She may just be remembering past lives or experiences prior to being born. It sounds this way to me because her experiences are from before her birth but she’s not incorporating new information in from what I can tell (she’s not talking to anyone or just knowing things that are happening or future events).

    There’s been a lot of studies done about how kids remember things when they are young but forget over time. Check out the book memories of heaven (co written by Wayne Dyer) for some great examples that aren’t sensationalized to be scary. (There’s a lot of info out there- I just know that book has a very positive stance on it and that may be better for a parent to read). I also highly recommend that book for anyone who has lost pregnancies.

    I was very sensitive as a kid and would see and know things about past and future events. It took me a long time to trust myself because every one around me said it wasn’t happening- so to play it safe try to stay open and supportive, let her have a safe place to talk about her experiences. Let it evolve naturally and keep things positive. If you want more info on approaches please feel free to message me.

    Either way, this should be viewed positively I think. Thank you for sharing

  • hunglilsnapper

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    I am 38 and have adhd. She’s probably very sensitive to her surroundings? Over stimulation?sound,light,crowds?

  • wordbloom

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    I’ve been a medium since childhood. When I was a child, I would have loved to talk to a medium who could explain things to me and make me unafraid of my experience. Not planting ideas in my head but letting me talk about what I see and then having it normalized.Unfortunately nobody recognized what was happening and just swept it under the rug.

    Found out in my late 20s that my dads a medium too. Would’ve been nice for open communication. In adulthood, abilities came back full force and scared the shit out of me all over again.

    I would also absolutely place a salt line around your home. Renew it every week or so. I think this is essential for Intuits but really everyone should do it.

  • UnsaltedButterfly

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    First off some really great advice here 🙂
    Ok I’m totally not trying to be snarky with what I’m trying to say but I HAD to comment seeing all the posts saying to wrap your CHILD in white light!!

    Please don’t do this!!!
    It’s advanced work that attracts things to you ????(great for mediums absolutely horrible for an untrained child)
    I have two children who are also gifted please do yourself a favor and read this blog that goes over the white light thing ????????????

  • SunriseOverSeaa

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    Ah man that’s so cool.

    Very much a wee medium.

    Love stories like this! so wholesome.

    Also, in terms of how to support her – stay curious, listen to her and what she feels guided by, she doesn’t need any extra help cause it’s all within her and her’s to develop so the best you can do is follow your own gut instinct with the process and trust that she is safe/well/developing/sharing exactly as she is meant to. Learning more and more about it will help to dissolve the fear – spirit is all like love and light and neutral purity when it has passed… very safe to experience, connect with and trust in. All else is interpretation and humanness – the dark energy which people speak of or fear that was misinterpreted in the past as some sort of scary energy is actually just the accumulation of negativity in terms of thoughts, actions, misunderstandings etc and most of the time it is metaphorical in it’s teachings so they best thing to do is to trust and not fear spirit… it’s the human stuff in life which we so rightfully feel fear towards. Because we can’t control other people and things that happen beyond having strong boundaries. The best thing you and her can do is learn boundaries by what feels safe and right. If it doesn’t feel safe or right, create a boundary for the sake of not putting yourself in situations that don’t feel good – our gut instincts and intuition are here to guide us. Our feelings are legit and valuable as messengers to keep us on the right track and show us where our boundaries lie. Hope this helps.

  • stargazer933

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    The best thing I can say as a former psychic child, current psychic medium (best terms I have) is be there and hold space for her. My mom neither encouraged nor discouraged me. I had my abilities early in life but they diminished until my teens when they surged again. Now in my work I work with parents of sensitive/empathic/ psychic children. Feel free to PM if you would like to chat.

  • OutrageousPi

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    many children are highly intuitive today 🙂

  • sidkw

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    She is

  • Powerful_Ad_446

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    Don’t put that onto your daughter. Let her be.

  • MindAndSoulFreedom

    February 2, 2021 at 7:11 am

    Love is the greatest support.

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