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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing i think someone has put a hex on me. how do i get rid of it/ bring hood things back into my life?

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    title says it. before i start, i’m relatively a positive person and have a very optimistic look in life, but this seriously …. idek. these events and this energy i’m feeling was like a switch. i have tried so much to try and get rid of the bad energy from my life. but things are getting worse and worse. i won’t go into details but just some things that have been affected is school, work, so many of my personal items are breaking and money issues… i seriously have never had THIS much negativity surrounding me.

    i’ve tried to listen to positive subliminals, look up spells to break any hex or bring something good into my life? i don’t know who would have done this or why, but this is where i felt i needed to turn. i hope this doesn’t sound like i’m complaining to just complain. i’m just genuinely wondering if someone could tell me a spell or like a ritual i can do?

  • i think someone has put a hex on me. how do i get rid of it/ bring hood things back into my life?

  • mushroommac

    October 12, 2021 at 7:21 am

    Whenever I feel swamped with negativity I do more protection rituals. This is personal to you. Sage the air or do a salt water mist across the door and window thresholds while really focusing on protecting your space and your energy. I have a lot of evil eye charms that I charge in full moon water, the use the water to protect my space.

    Once you’ve put a lot of woo into protecting your space and your energy, then do a deep dive meditation. What negativity is happening, how is it manifesting, why? Be open to the possibility that you are sabotaging yourself – I find this is often it for me. Even if you have a revelation that someone might be stank-eying you (or hex however you want to call it) – ultimately we can only control ourselves. Stop giving stank-eyer info / ammunition about your life and focus on the positive and the cloud will pass.

    Good luck!

  • TheModerateBean

    October 12, 2021 at 7:21 am

    Hex is a spell, Dispel Magic ends spells, so it ends Hex. Hex specifically says it’s also ended early if Remove Curse is cast on the target.

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