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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing If you met a witch working with darker elements, what would you ask her?

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    Been hanging around this sub for a day or two and while it is a very welcoming place for I sense that everyone’s practice is very varied, there is often the same kind of side-stepping that I see in general witchcraft community. The concerns posted often range anywhere from just having more negative thoughts, to the morality of cursing, or taboo of blood work.

    It struck me how many elements of my practice would probably be a huge turn off to the wider community.

    As I have seen someone here offering to take questions on Italian ancestry work, I thought I’ll introduce myself and extend a similar offer.

    So then, I believe I was born an energy vampire, but did not realize it until my health has seriously tanked, a few years ago I involved myself into energy work because strictly of that and I did manage to fix my problem to a point where it is no longer playing a part in my day to day life in a very non conventional way. I have a soul contract and I’m a Luciferian, though I don’t claim to be part of the official organized religion. My practice involves working very close with Lucifer, demonolatry, divination and parts of chaos magick.

    If I put myself on paper like that I sound rather edgy, but I promise you in day to day life, I am not and therefore don’t expect me to give edgy answers. With so much of the current witchcraft focusing on warding, protections and light though, I thought that I may as well offer to take some questions if anyone is curious.

  • If you met a witch working with darker elements, what would you ask her?

  • CluelesAsHecc

    November 20, 2021 at 7:33 am

    Oooft, I really don’t like calling myself an energy vampire but it’s a fitting description. I too have a soul contract and started as a luciferiam but didn’t follow the organizations. I just make sure to be considerate of the things around me. Never take more than is sustainable and respect the life and energies all around. Darker elements? That depends on your perspective. I view it as a beautiful sort of symbiosis. I take and I give back.

  • Playful-Judgment-986

    November 20, 2021 at 7:33 am

    I would ask her ‘How do you do?’

    ‘What kind of energies feel the best to you?’

    ‘Is Raven from Teen titans an accurate representation of how difficult it is to remain neutral and study your own natural ability due to its gravity?’

  • VivaswanAditya

    November 20, 2021 at 7:33 am

    I just made a post about this so here goes, how does protect oneself from your kind of witchcraft? Thanks!

  • TeaDidikai

    November 20, 2021 at 7:33 am

    Depends on said “darker elements.”

    Most of what you described I likely wouldn’t bat an eyelash at. Glad you managed to regulate your energy better.

    I worked in an interfaith bookstore and didn’t mind folks from any given path. The folks I did mind, I had problems with their actions that had little to do with their religion and the one exception to that wouldn’t be allowed on Reddit let alone this forum

  • Dahgahz

    November 20, 2021 at 7:33 am

    What made you realize you’re an energy vampire? I know you said you realized it when your health began to decline, but what made you realize that instead of just disregarding it and treating it like any other health issue? If that’s too personal of a question then I understand.

    What’s something about your practice that comes off as taboo to others that you enjoy most?

    Whats your favorite resource to learn about more the darker witchcraft you practice? Such as books or websites.

    Thank you for being open to questions by the way! It’s refreshing to see topics like this being discussed

  • QueenOfFrills

    November 20, 2021 at 7:33 am

    I’d ask you what makes you happy! We may be very different in practice, but joy is universal. I want to see your version of it, whether it be collecting bones, watching cartoons, or taking long relaxation sessions with bath teas. We’re the same where it matters, so I’ve got nothing to fear!

  • Daewen

    November 20, 2021 at 7:33 am

    While I don’t really have a question for you, I’m glad you’ve brought up the topic of working with energy on the darker end of the spectrum.

    Not everyone is into the love and light thing, and honestly I don’t think it’s that rare in the witchcraft community for people to work with the darker elements. It seems like lately a lot of new age stuff has gotten mixed in with witchcraft, to its detriment, and younger newer witches have caught on to it. Unfortunately new age ideas tend to equate light as good and dark as bad and if bad things are happening to you then obviously your thoughts aren’t positive enough. I’ve noticed that some posts I’ve seen lately on here are people wondering if they’re not a good enough person to do this or that or if their thoughts aren’t pure enough and that’s why they’re having a hard time. I honestly find it worrying. I’ve found that I prefer witchcraft and energy work communities that view darker energy alignments as just different, in the same way that humans are all different, but that doesn’t mean that anyone is better, if you get what I mean. Plus if you’re viewing everything that’s not light as bad, then it’s definitely going to seem like there are a lot of people out to get you. It seems a lot healthier to acknowledge the diversity among practitioners of witchcraft, energy work, spirit work, etc, at least to me, than worrying if my thoughts are pure. While yes, in order to cast a spell, your thoughts and emotions should line up with what you’re trying to do, it becomes toxic when that’s all you’re focused on all the time.

    I am also an energy vampire, and honestly I’ve mostly given up on trying to correct any misinformation about them because it’s just too frustrating.

    What types of energy do you work with? I’m trying to get myself acquainted with umbra energy, since it’s in my signature, but it’s going kind of slowly for me lol.

  • MadeOnThursday

    November 20, 2021 at 7:33 am

    I think you need therapy to work through some stuff. Usually people who think they’re bad have emotionally immature parents who did not instill an intrinsic sense of value and self-worth in a person.

  • StuffedCarrot

    November 20, 2021 at 7:33 am

    What would you say to someone who suspects that they might be an energy vampire? What resources would you recommend? I mean, I got health issues and I tend to feel much better if I “feed”. Some issues seem to vanish. I have read the Vampire Codex. Some things do make sense but I sort of hope this is something else. I am working on it.

    Have you ever tried to contact angels or work with them? Did that work? Angels have never seemed to bother with me. I work with some things some people would definitely consider dark. My magic isn’t always that pretty either.

    Demonolatry is very interesting. It’s not for me I think but I lurk on the sub a lot. It’s interesting to read about the demons. I have met someone who resembled Stolas while shamanic journeying and it’s interesting since he teaches things I am really interested in or have actually studied in the university. I knew nothing about him or goetic demons at the time. His message to me was short and simple but it’s been helping me a lot for at least 10 years.

  • partimeitalianwitch

    November 20, 2021 at 7:33 am

    I have no specific question but I’m happy to see more variety in the craft and that my post about sharing my personal knowledge has inspired other practitioners 😍🥰

    That said I think online the taboos concerning “darker”* sides of magic are amplified by the fact that a lot of users are new or young witches that seems to want practice with very little knowledge behind them. Especially less or clear practice paths.
    Because of that, I’m even happier to see someone using an openly speaking about them but with obvious knowledge, you make a wonderful example 🥰🥰🥰

    Note: *the use of the terms dark or darker to define more aggressive, dangerous or just less travelled paths is really something that should we try to faze out in the community. Just a thought while writing xD

  • Delicious_Ad_2190

    November 20, 2021 at 7:33 am

    Id prob ask what it’s like cause I’m interested in that stuff I mean what do I got to loose‽

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