For the past 5 years, I’ve been able to see the spirits of the deceased. Its been happening much more frequently, and doesn’t seem to have any pattern. They sometimes appear so corporeal that I mistake them for the living. Sometimes they are slightly transparent. Always in color. They don’t seem to have a message for me often.
Mostly they turn to look at me or our eyes meet, and they fade away. A friend of mine who is into a lot of metaphysical stuff thinks that they know that I can see them, so they seek me out and appear. And the places are random. On the sidewalk by the county courthouse. In front of a local church. In my sons house. Once, in the thrift store.
And just to be on the safe side, I did have a full physical work up with my physician so know I’m not crazy and there’s no organic issues wrong with me. Does anyone have any experience with this?