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Forums Forums Mediums In the right ear, “You guys are all set!”

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  • #560801 Reply


    I'm clairaudient, but not on demand.

    I take the above message from a spirit as a direct confirmation of an incoming reunion, collaboration, or meet-up. Or like we're ready for what the spirits know is happening, and that thing is the next thing to come.

    This is also telling me the spirits have someone in particular in mind that would be the obvious one to refer to in messages like this. It's like a launch pad and myself and this other person getting flicked from the hand of fate into communication or action.

    I have zero control over this. None. The "you guys are all set" message was random and I wasn't trying to communicate with any entity.

    Has anyone else experienced messages from spirits/entities/deities that were about something similar? I.e. about confirmation something will happen, or a message about being fully prepared/a closing cycle?

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