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    I know a lot of this stuff is subjective, but I’m wondering if anyone has experienced something with a similar feel whether it be a part of your psychology or an outside being. My partner experience similar in her lucid dreams associated with planes of nothing.

    I was journeying with a spirit into a plane of nothing. To me, it registered as blackness, so I brought a “flashlight”. There was nothing there, No top. No bottom, no sides. It wasn’t pleasant and I caught something’s attention that was aggressive and had to take care of it before proceeding onward. When I astral project, I do it while awake and I’m taking from the energy around me to keep the form stable, but this time there was nothing for me to draw off of. I had to drain off of the flashlight to keep going. Eventually, the spirit guided me to a field where we could rest, but something weird appeared in front of me.

    I saw what looked like a man in a suit standing in front of me, staring. He was wearing a hat with pale skin, which looked so different from the pastels of the environment. Another oddity is I don’t normally see humans. When I see spirits, they’re energy, or forms that don’t make sense and change as they move. This figment was solid, stable, looking very human with high contrast. It felt like nothing.

    I was inclined to believe this is a part of my psyche that manifested-albeit an odd one. I just wasn’t sure because no matter what I focused on, it was still there. I tried “fawning” where I lay down, lower my energy and not focus on anything, but it was still there. I got curious and looked at it harder and it spoke.

    “Are you human?”

    I was not inclined to answer and stopped looking at it. Shortly after, we left. I shut the portal and cleansed.

    Normally, I wouldn’t post this. We all have different experiences on the astral plane, but my partner said she saw them, too. The men in suits appeared in her lucid dreams, wanting to know what she was. I remember her telling me and thought it was just her dream schema (as did she), but then she told me they were associated with the void or nothing areas. She said they never felt like anything. They don’t cause harm, but were curious about her.

    Come to think of it, I encountered something similar before. This stuff is subjective and they didn’t look human at all in this encounter, but had the same feel. They stood still and when I entered the area, looked at me, ‘scanned’ me and then were completely uninterested in me. The place after the void was the first time I’ve ever had one so focused on me and talk.

    I’m curious to see if anyone has had something similar- whether it be a part of their psychology manifesting or a spirit. If they have a name, let me know.

  • Interesting being while astral projecting wanted to know what I was.

     Mel_AndCholy updated 1 year ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • SinVerguenza04

    April 29, 2023 at 7:20 am

    Men in suits, or men in black, have been associated with other dimensions. When they enter into ours, they usually bring prophecies—typically about catastrophic events—that’s the history of mystery men in suits, at least.

    I tried to find a source of what I’m talking about online, but haven’t yet. I’ll keep looking.

  • MyLilPiglets

    April 29, 2023 at 7:20 am

    Hello, I am down for the subjective!

    I’ve travelled in dreams, so I believe, but have not astral projected to this dark void. The figure you encountered made me think of hat man – which I have seen once, very clearly, was but in shadow form and I am curious to know if there could be a correlation? That is, if we hypothesis a reality where hat man exists… I was going to add this might be too way out for here but maybe not. And, I just realised you said void and not a dark void. Have you travelled via that particular astral ‘route’ before?

  • [deleted]

    April 29, 2023 at 7:20 am


  • buffybot3000

    April 29, 2023 at 7:20 am

    I haven’t seen these guys myself, but your description made me immediately think of this painting:

    I feel like now that I have heard of this I may encounter one! If I do, I’ll report back. Additionally, may I ask how do you cleanse when you return from an astral journey? I never thought about doing that at that time, but it seems like a good idea!

  • Poetic_Unicorn

    April 29, 2023 at 7:20 am

    Reminds me of the observers from the fringe series.

  • Kittybatty33

    April 29, 2023 at 7:20 am

    When I was younger I used to have a lot of dreams where Men In Black were chasing me, there is no consistent setting it was in different places but they’re always like these two kind of FBI agent looking men in suits they never caught me though and I don’t dream about them anymore or I havent in a long time

  • inhambu

    April 29, 2023 at 7:20 am

    Yk… astral projections aren’t what you think they are, the spirit can’t leave the body without killing it. There’s this actual space where the body is, and the “mental space”, when you train astral projection it is akin to how a bat has a mental picture of his surrounding through it’s sonar rather than you actually visiting a space.

    Try to get a proper perspective on it.

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