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Forums Forums Tarot Interesting Vision…

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    For starters, I don’t really have knowledge about tarot cards and their individual meanings, nor have I ever picked up a deck in my life. But, recently I’ve been watching a lot of accurate “pick a card” readings. About forty minutes ago, i had a “vision.” I was shown three images: Devil (which i recognized as the devil tarot card), a fool or magician card which turned out to be the fool card, and a goat.

    the first two images were tarot cards. the last image was an oracle card or more symbolic sort of thing

    i looked up what the devil and fool cards meant (devil is basically materialism, human desire, and a lot of fleshly tendencies while the fool is about freedom and adventure and new beginnings)

    i looked up what the combination could mean and was shown:

    “If you have personally drawn these cards, you’ve probably felt a lack of faith in at least one situation or area of your life recently.

    This is normal, but you don’t have to live in this negative vibration. Look around. Are there ways that you could bring about a fresh start? Now is the time to take a crazy chance!”

    as for the goat, its about maintaining balance.

    last night i got into a huge fight with close loved ones. i feel like i was shown this cause im sort of in a stuck place n need to make light of my current situation or take a leap of faith n venture out.

    Quite interesting, given that a lot of involuntary spiritual things seem to happen to me!

  • Interesting Vision…

    xobenzo updated 3 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • xobenzo

    January 28, 2021 at 9:14 pm

    Different strokes for different folks but I am nowhere near a fan of online “pick a card” reading videos! Never touched one , never will – a physical deck in the here and now lets you obtain a better connection , and although I suppose the online way is an easy way if you don’t have a deck – I find minimal connection to whatever they claim to be your tarot , I mean hell they’re basically just drawing some cards and throwing it on youtube for 100,000 people to make something of. I believe you definitely got cards that are relevant , and at the end of the day they helped! But I personally consider pre-recorded video readings mediocre at best. See this as a sign to further your spiritual journey!! Go buy an actual deck and never look back! You can touch , feel , move energy through , take energy from , connect , and overall do so much more with a reading that has personal intent. I just believe once you try to mass produce things , it loses its touch.

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