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Forums Forums Psychic Interpreting Clear Positive/Negative Signs from the Universe

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    Long time lurker here- first time poster.

    I did not smoke weed for around 7 years. In that time I was able to find a successful career and make six figures within 2 years of graduating undergrad as well as read 50+ books a year.

    Due to a change in my job, I no longer had to worry about drug testing (I also moved to Colorado) and decided to indulge myself.

    I now find that when I smoke weed, it seems to be that everything goes wrong outside of my control- from car, to work, to family troubles. When I decide to stop, everything seems to go immediately right- receiving recognition at work, money that seems to appear from nowhere, etc.

    I see these happenings as clear signs from the universe or potentially my spirit guides that I shouldn’t be smoking- basically punishment vs. reward.

    How do you all interpret your own obvious signs? When do you see signs as signs rather than healthy choices paying off? And how do you drill down and try to understand more in your personal practices?

Reply to: poggio_bchs
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