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Forums Forums Mediums Is it a good idea or should I wait for another time?

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    I want to try and communicate with spirit while doing tarot cards. Like ask the spirit questions and draw out a card to being yes or no questions. Simple. I’ve been wanting to do this for a few days now but I personally have never tried to directly communicate with spirit this way. I usually just get my information by random thoughts or rather words or phrases the spirit says or having me feel some sort of way.

    This would be entirely new and to be frankly honest I’ve never really tried anything like this.

    So my question is would it be a good idea or should I wait or what can I do to help me protect myself while doing it?

    Thank you in advance

  • Is it a good idea or should I wait for another time?

     lemonnnngrabbb updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • MamaSmAsh5

    December 7, 2021 at 11:53 pm

    u/saltytarot is good at this! I’ve been doing the same as you though, wanting to attempt to communicate with spirit this way too. I am going to give it a good try with my granddad on the other side when I get some decent quiet time. I think usual grounding and protection works and being positive and having strong intentions of good help.

  • cndrow

    December 7, 2021 at 11:53 pm

    Tarot isn’t built for binary yes/no questions. Tarot tells a story

    Pendulums are perfect for yes/no/maybe questions

    And yes you can use any divination tool to communicate with spirit. I use tarot & Oracle cards every day for this, along with my pendulum for less complex questions

  • irisinthedark

    December 7, 2021 at 11:53 pm

    Many people use tarot as a means of communication. It doesn’t really matter your method, do what works best for you. Typically one would do a cleansing before and or after, which can be as simple as visualizing light around you and your home or burning some form of protective incense. You can find all kinds of protection methods online, you don’t need to go all out or buy a bunch of expensive materials to do it.

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