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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Is it a good idea to use herbs with aphrodisiac properties to reconnect with my sexuality after trauma?

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    I am currently trying to find ways to reconnect with my sexuality again since I experienced some trauma in the past. I am doing meditation, communicating with my body and also try to normalize being intimate with myself again. I am also applying for therapy since I am aware that this is the best way possible and I need professional help and insight to my situation.

    Therefore I also know that the experiences of others on the internet are not something that I should 100% rely on.

    Due to trauma, pms and my cycle being all over the place my body’s sexual desires are only there before my period, which is about every five weeks, therefore there are not that many opportunities to masturbate when my body really feels comfortable with it. This leads to my question whether or not it is possible to use an aphrodisiac as kind of supplement, so that I won’t cross my bodies boundaries. I’m aware that all of this takes timebut I am feeling kind of desperate to try everything to make the process as safe as possible while also shortening it. I know that there is no way to rush it but I can’t wait for five weeks to pass and only having a time window of three hours.

    I won’t do something that will hinder my progress so if this isn’t the best idea I will also try to find other ways. If someone has any experience with it or better ideas feel free to comment

Reply to: BunnyLovesApples
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