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Forums Forums Mediums Is it normal for a medium to ask a client about their abilities?

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    I attempted to hire someone from the cassadaga camp for a phone reading over a month ago. They agreed but ended the email by asking me “what is your ability?” I was taken aback but answered honestly to which they replied that was wonderful. In the end though they told me they needed to reschedule but never replied to my follow up emails.

    I feel weird about the interaction…like there’s some reason they changed their mind but don’t want to say. Do mediums prefer not to read for others with abilities?

  • Is it normal for a medium to ask a client about their abilities?

    RicottaPuffs updated 3 years, 4 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • [deleted]

    February 10, 2021 at 11:32 am

    I can’t see why that would bother them ? It would make me dubious about how good a medium they are ! I don’t know about more experienced mediums, but I’m still at the stage I need to go to an experienced medium because I’m awful at this.

    I want messages and conversations, important information not random vague pictures or feelings… sorry that last part was a little rant about my own skill levels ????

  • RicottaPuffs

    February 10, 2021 at 11:32 am

    I would imagine that this medium was afraid that you might think she is not accomplished enough? Or, perhaps she does not have the abilities she wants to possess.

    So, she ghosted you. It happens. Recently, I was asked to read a lady , whose deceased bf committed suicide. He is earthbound. He has not left here or crossed over.

    Because she has the ability to see him, and to hear him, she says she is a medium. She is a medium. We are just different. She wants it so badly. Whereas I finally stopped denying being a medium and embraced it. Different people. different approaches. All are good.

    I am blocked.. I was verbally attacked by her after she repeated four or five times that my abilities are better than hers. I knew it came from a place of insecurity and envy and I understood and bore no malice. It is just a different medium you have met. She may fear you won’t buy any embellishments, due to your ability.

    Some of these guys are intimidated by certain talents. They are afraid that you will perceive them as not as advanced,, or that or that you are testing them.

    Let her go. Whether it is insecurity or discomfort, she can refuse to read someone. If she is a cold reader or not as adept as you are, or cannot see without tools,, she may feel uncomfortable. Let her go.

    Find another reader. As we all know, some of us cannot see our own futures. But, we may frighten those who are developing their talent.

    It is an odd feeling, isn’t it?

  • RicottaPuffs

    February 10, 2021 at 11:32 am

    Oh, yes. there is also, the “You have abilities, too”. Approach where they tell you they can train for for six monthly installments of “x” amount of cash.

    You had abilities, so maybe she ran.

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