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Forums Forums Psychic Is it not normal to die in your dreams?

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    I die in my dreams all the time

    Been the same way since I was a child

    Often I have to watch all my loved ones die one-by-one and then I die too

    I feel the death happen, it feels so real

    I’m in full control of myself in the dream and I think what’s happening is completely real. When I start dreaming it’s like I just woke up from a nap and ‘oh I’m back here again, cool. I just had the strangest experience, thought I was somewhere else for a while’.

    It’s like I think I just woke up from a dream. Like jumping realities back and forth. Reliving past lives?

    The nightmares can be utterly traumatic

    I have the same recurring dreams over-and-over my entire life

    I feel myself die. I experience the death. I slip away and then wake up in ‘reality’

    Completely disorientated because when the dream starts it feels like I just woke up back in ‘reality’. It’s familiar and I’m relieved to be back where I should be

    I don’t wake up from the dream until I’m dead

    Apparently this isn’t normal?

  • Is it not normal to die in your dreams?

     cynefin99 updated 1 year, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • 1895red

    August 12, 2022 at 4:15 pm

    It’s normal for me.

  • siriansage

    August 12, 2022 at 4:15 pm

    I used to have nightmares like this every single night. It made me dread going to sleep at night. I never knew what kind of horrific death/murder I was going to experience or witness that night in my dream. They were very vivid too. I can still remember one of them so clearly – the chilling pain of being stabbed to death – more than 30 years later. And in that particular dream I was NOT ME, I think I was living someone’s last memories before being murdered.

    Years later I discovered that my mother had this exact same dream and all of the details were the same. We think that perhaps, someone was trying to reach out to us, many years later, to show us that they tried everything they could, to avoid being murdered.

    Questions to consider (you don’t need to answer, but, think on these if you haven’t already):
    – Are these dreams YOUR dreams? Are you experiencing them through your own identity/familiar places/events from your life?
    – Is it possible that you are experiencing someone else’s memories of their last moments of life?
    – Does it feel as if you are being attacked, or, receiving a cry for help, on a psychic level?

    When I had enough of these experiences it prompted me to study dream interpretation, which then led me to learning about Lucid Dreaming, and I made every effort to master that skill. That got me halfway to where I wanted to be – no longer having vivid nightmares every night.
    From there, I found self hypnosis to be instrumental. Both lucid dreaming and self hypnosis were the most useful for transforming those nightmares into beautiful dreams that were MINE to explore.

    Good luck!


    August 12, 2022 at 4:15 pm

    I have had several dreams where I die or recieve serious bodily harm. What I’ve found is that, dying or recieving harm changes in intensity depending on what kind of dream I am having.

    I have had a few recurring nightmares from my childhood, and they have sometimes repeated themselves over the course of my life. These ones are usually the most vivid, and anytime I have them I try to do things differently. In my nightmares, dying has been something to be afraid of, because of how intense it feels.

    Yet in other vivid dreams, especially in many of the more recent ones I have, dying is simply a part of the dream. It’s almost portrayed like a video game, most commonly GTA where I have no repercussion for dying and the dream will carry on.

    I’m not an expert on the complete terminology behind things you can do in dreams. Many times in my dreams and nightmares, I at some point tell myself “This is a dream.” and I start to abort myself from dream to reality. I don’t know if that makes any sense, or maybe there is a more technical terminology for it.

    I believe that it can be normal to experience dying in many dreams, and in my opinion having repeat dreams can be a normal thing, as these dreams could hold a memtally deeper connection to your subconscious. Perhaps, there is something on a deeper level in regards to the act of dying that you have in your head?

  • sZer0s

    August 12, 2022 at 4:15 pm

    Yes. Very

  • tisshowtimefolks

    August 12, 2022 at 4:15 pm

    Just as an alternative: Never happened for me. I wonder if there’s any studies on the subject (those who do vs those who don’t).

  • rebellious_duck

    August 12, 2022 at 4:15 pm

    Reminds of this song by [Moby – Porcelain](

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