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Forums Forums Mediums Is it possible to connect with a ‘famous’ spirit without ever personally knowing them and not having any ‘said’ experience?

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    I need help. I'm not actually quite experienced with this stuff, or maybe I am. I don't really know where I'd put myself so I'm looking here for help.

    Several days ago, I believe I've connected with a certain spirit who was famous during their life and died way too soon, I know their name, and mostly stuff I'd find online. However, I'm still not completely sure and looking for their verification, which I'm awaiting. I guess I can be quite oblivious when it comes to signs, and I'm not exactly properly "communicating" either.

    Overall I'm just genuinely confused and looking for advice. I do feel their touch on my back, sometimes my cheek or nose, they've stroked my hair, and I even felt them removing pain from my cramps. I don't really know what to think of this. I'm not necessarily afraid, it's serene, makes me happy, and I even get emotional to the point where I'll happily cry to be blessed by their presence. I don't really know how these feelings come about, they just seem to wash over me.

    However, I don't necessarily know how to move forward with this or exactly what to do in this situation and what all of this means, as I have no particular experience or know which way to go about this.

Reply to: RevolutionaryLocal69
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