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Forums Forums Astrology Is Jupiter transiting The 1st, 5th, 7th, and 11th House the most favourable time to get married?

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    Or am I missing something?

  • Is Jupiter transiting The 1st, 5th, 7th, and 11th House the most favourable time to get married?

     TravelTings updated 1 year ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • planetpower

    May 14, 2023 at 11:59 am

    Marriage is ruled by the 7th house so having the greater benefic (Jupiter) there would generally bring the most luck.

    But this is really not enough of a factor to plan a marriage. There are much stronger indicators of a successful marriage and it’s something it’d probably be worth seeing a professional astrologer about to get the full run down.

    For example, the date of the marriage will memorialize the marriage contract and that contract will be characterized by its own birth chart separate from any synastry, composite, or transits to your natal.

    If the marriage day contains the Sun in hard aspect to Saturn, that will create enormous obstacles. On the other hand, a day that has Sun in enhancement to Jupiter is the opposite and helps to protect the marriage and make it successful.

    It can get complicated but marriage really is complicated, lol.

  • hawthorn-rising

    May 14, 2023 at 11:59 am

    those are generally good transits from Jupiter yeah (or even Jupiter going through your 9th sends an overcoming trine to the Ascendant) but really it’s going to come down the specifics of your own natal chart.

    what signs are those houses, what planets would Jupiter conjunct or aspect when transiting that house, is it going to aspect the ruler of your 7th? the ruler of your 8th? ruler of your 1st? is Jupiter going to retrograde over a specific angle or will the retrograde not hit that angle?

    all these things become important 🙂

    also, Jupiter could be in charge of some totally different things in your chart, so Jupiter as an indicator for good time for marriage might not be as relevant, it might be more relevant to look at other factors.

    hope that helps!

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