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Forums Forums Mediums Is the veil around me thinning?

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    In the past 6 months or so I've been transitioning from hard materialism to, well, not that. I'm at the point now where I 100% believe in the permanence of the soul and the body as a temporary vessel.

    Here's the thing. I've been doing the gateway tapes ( r/gatewaytapes ) for the past week and yesterday I did two meditations to advance focus 10. I'm still a beginner obviously, but this was the most I did in a day and the further I've been into the tapes.

    I have chronic fatigue syndrome and as a result of this I sleep a LOT, from 1am to around 11:30, with a wakeup sometime between 5:30-6:30 to take pills/supplements and change location (I also take a long nap in the afternoon but that's besides the point).

    This morning at around 6, after I'd taken my pills and changed location to the bedroom, my husband and I heard music coming from somewhere. My husband couldn't sleep anymore so he got up to look for it. And guess what it was– the laptop my kid uses which had been shut down had somehow relaunched itself and minecraft. It was minecraft music coming out of a closed computer. This has happened before but only in the moment after we close the computer without exiting the minecraft launch screen, it has never just… started up.

    I'm leaving lots of room for material explanations here (perhaps he forgot to shut the computer down as he says, for example) but the timing– in the few minutes I was awake in that room –is just a little weird. I've also had little bouts of synchronicities here and there, and about four months ago when I was mostly confined to the bedroom I found a coin in the sheets which was weird.

    Anyways, looking for some insight here. I've never seen anything paranormal in my waking life and as I said, was a staunch materialist. Is the veil perhaps beginning to thin around me?

Reply to: meroboh
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