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Forums Forums Mediums Is there a consistent standpoint on how everything works? I’ve heard contradicting stuff

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    Hi all. I’m not a medium or psychic. But my sister saw one who gave incredibly accurate information about our grandmother that I figured nobody can guess. I’ve also spoken to a psychic before (many years ago) but her comments were more vague.

    I’ve known a few people over the years who considered themselves semi-connected or sensitive to this, but I’ve been given contradicting information over the years.

    I guess what I’m looking for is a concrete guide that really sums up everything – spirits, reincarnation, afterlife, the soul, etc. I’ve heard “Journey of Souls” and I’ve ordered that on amazon. But I’d like to hear ACTUAL advice and words from someone on here.

    My questions/concerns:

    1) I’ve heard some mediums say heaven is real, Jesus is real, etc. Others who seem to be more bent towards Buddhism. And more still who say both are correct in some ways. Which is it?

    2) How can we tell the difference between good spirits and bad spirits? What’s the deal with bad spirits anyways? I’ve heard some say that all souls are good, and that even Hitler could be innately good to some degree. So who are the bad spirits? Who are the demons? What’s their nature? How do we avoid them?

    3) What is a safe way for me to look for spiritual guidance? How could I communicate with my spirit guide? I tried the Ouija board once, and it terrified my friends so we stopped doing it. That was many years ago, and as far as I know nothing else came from it.

    4) One of the weird things the medium said to my sister was that one of our ancestors was a witch. It just so happened that (confirmed through DNA and vigilant []( research) that one of our ancestors WAS a witch. One of the few who perished during the Salem witch trials. What to make of this? Why would she mention this? I imagine witches could very well be mediums, and be innately good. I also imagine many innocent people were targeted during the trials. Just trying to wrap my head around it.

    Thanks so much

  • Is there a consistent standpoint on how everything works? I’ve heard contradicting stuff

     Nicolina updated 2 years, 8 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • flyhomewmyeyesclosed

    August 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    Hahahah ok if anyone actually has these answers, that’s it, we can call the whole thing off, earth has been solved

  • contraversialcityboy

    August 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    I won’t have answers for everything, so I’ll answer what I can.

    1. I like to think every religion has some basis in reality, in some capacity. But I don’t really think it’s necessary to think too hard about it. If a religion speaks to you, then practice it. But if you don’t find one that speaks to you, there’s other ways to connect to your spirituality. I think religion is one kind of conduit for your spirituality. But if I knew 100%, I’d be a God, not a broke college student.

    2. In my personal experience, good spirits are either harmless, helpful, or or seeking help. Many are just the dead, some might be angels or something. Bad spirits hurt you, have scary voices, or try to make deals with you (source: one tried to make a deal with me). Basically, bad spirits are mostly demons, but there’s different types of demons. Again, if I had all the answers, I wouldn’t be writing this. Lol.

    3. My mom used a Ouija board with her sister and her friends. She did this decades ago, and the house is still haunted by demons in windows, etc. Additionally, one demon still visits her to this day. So never touch it again, and don’t try to throw it away; I’ve heard they come back. Don’t know how true that is, though. Overall, the only people that can guide you are either older family members or trustworthy mentors, who you can guarantee are legit. But mostly, I’m on my own with a lot of it. A lot of trial and error. Just don’t talk to evil spirits, and you’ll be okay. If you do, either say a sacred prayer or assert yourself in some way.

    4. This is above my pay grade. All I know, is that I had a tea leaf reader on my mom’s side, and the gift has been passed down basically every generation since. I just can’t speak for witches. Witchcraft and being a medium are two different things, but I don’t see why they can’t work together for some. I think it’s really cool to know that about your ancestor, though! Maybe it’s a sign to explore your spirituality? Ahaha.

    I wish I could give you better answers. I think it’s ultimately a very personal experience. I have yet to hear of someone who has my exact experiences, but there are some consistent things: symbolism, some spirits are nicer than others, and you can speak to spirits at any point if you have and refine your gift.

    Good luck! 🙂

  • polyaphrodite

    August 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    As we all agree that this is an individual experience, I am answering from the perspective of this is the most common concepts I’ve experienced and others have as well:

    1) since there is more supportive evidence of how many concurrent electromagnetic frequencies our brains are running at the same time, it’s very possible that those “places” outside the physical reality are akin to energetic fields and frequencies we haven’t tuned into well yet. The metaphor I use is: pretend most of the world is color blind. But the few who aren’t colorblind see colors the others can’t. Just biologically wired to, unless given assistance (psychedelics, rituals, chanting, DMT, triggering different chemical pattern experiences)….I find the research in neuroscience to give an even broader perspective of intangible spaces. We are waiting on science to show us what we can’t consistently perceive.

    2) I turn to the other ecosystems of life: is a lion “good or bad”….depends on who is asking….for nature there is often a balance that is sought to be achieved and adapted to, whether destructive or creative….or rather, if life was a video game, like final fantasy, it makes sense you run into helpful and harmful creatures *to help you level up with experiences*….I have come to understand that seems to be the case with the intangibles

    3) the best way to pursue spirituality, that I have been seeing: trace the cultures of your ancestors. Clues into *your* alignment and history will be easier to yield and a good chance to heal generational wounds and rebuild family connections/forgive the past/respect who you have become as the dream your ancestors didn’t live to see. From that starting point, you may find yourself drawn to different “rabbit holes” of information, all meant to be visited, none meant to be settled on…your living life for your satisfaction and when you are satisfied you feel generous, from generosity love flourishes. You deserve to feel satisfied with your way of living-spirituality can be a way to achieve that if you feel drawn to it.

    4) back to the ancestors and Witch trials….funny thing is: we see history was afraid of those “others” they called witches. But it was really their own mob mentality they were frightened of. Soooo if you are connected to that, are their any “story lines” you find in your life where you may have felt persecuted or too afraid to speak your truth for being harmed? Epigenetics (some great TED talks) show how trauma mutations happen within our DNA even if it’s just two people of the same lineage sharing real time events (vs passed from parent to child). I have lived both the abuse cycles and trauma, as well as stopping it with me and healing myself-as I healed my mother, who was a big instigator of the abuse, started to be able to face the past and what she had done. As I gained emotional sovereignty and stability, she started to change her life around and want to actively *live* again. So, I didn’t force her to change, by my changes definitely affected her. It’s possible there is an “unfinished story” within your deep subconscious from the trauma your ancestors dealt with and they are asking you to make different choices in the present if similar situations come up.

    I hope these interpretations are helpful in some way. One phrase “take what resonates, leave the rest” is similar to how plants usually take what they need and adapt to filter out what they don’t, our intuition can be practiced in that way to find what works for you.

    The hardest part, for me, was learning to trust all the decades of experiences that I had had. I had journals and documents but no one to share with. Then YouTube had some unique channels, now TikTok has millions of people sharing experiences so quickly that I imagine *trends* will arise.

    My mom was literally saying today: “I want all the NDE/OBE to have the same story before I will believe it” and I pointed out no human birth has the same story behind it…yet we can all understand the mechanisms of it….we do have common threads, there are common storylines…because there are over 7 billion humans having that many experiences in this very moment……and there will eventually be noticeable patterns, when we can focus on them.

    I do appreciate the question and prompt. We are simply stories and stardust wrapped up in matter that we make matter. 🌻🦋🌻

  • TheSaltyTarot

    August 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    Everyone’s going off hand-drawn maps. To try and formalize things would risk hardening them into dogma.

  • omnipisces

    August 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    Probably you would like to study what Spiritism has to say. It helped me a lot to understand those questions. Basically, their books were a gathering of instructions of the spirits about world, reincarnation and life purpose.

    The main book is called The Spirits Book: [](

    You can find more about on those sites, but I would recommend you search for a spiritist center nearby you and talk to some medium responsible for the center. Certainly in their experience they could help you more easily than just by reading books.



    but I’ll try to address your questions at the best of my knowledge, of what I’ve found.

    1. Mediumship has several degrees, as by that any one is a medium of a sort, as everyone has some degree of sensibility to the spiritual world, which pervades the material world (and both shares a common base). Mediums that can see freely the spiritual are pretty rare, that’s why perceptions and opinions vary so much. If there is spirit, that means our consciousness persevere after the death of the body, which is like a clothe for the spirit when it is on earth. Heaven is just places in spiritual world full of harmony because spirits that lives there. Hell is like our heart in the darkest moments, but spirits that don’t let those feelings go, end up going to places in spiritual world accordingly to their density of feelings. Good feelings has low density so you go “up”, bad feelings are more dense so you go “down”. There isn’t strictly saying up and down on spiritual world, but everyone understand that. So, if the consciousness persevere, Jesus is alive taking care of us, as well Gautama, Krishna. What we call God is still a immature vision of what God would like to be, but let’s say there is something behind every avatar who has descend to Earth to help those struggling to wake up, which one bringing a facet of truth that people could understand at that age.
    2. every soul is a perfect creation, intended to evolve in virtue and knowledge with time. The greatest sinner today will be saint tomorrow, through several hardships and reincarnations through time. Still, there is need to live in justice and love or you end up suffering the consequences of your pride and egoism. The good spirits causes a good impression and their advice is reasonable and sensible. The bad spirits want to cause ruckus, disturb and provoke suffering, mostly because they are in suffering too. Like someone who has been hurt and want revenge or cause the same thing with cruelty. Bad spirits are like bad people who hasn’t let egoism go away.
    3. There are lot of ways, intuition is the best and the safest, but you’ll need to take some time with that.
    4. your ancestor is just your ancestor. Witch or not, medium or not, all of us need to struggle in life, forgive and search for the highest love and justice we can practice. Not all information is helpful, not all information is truthfully. Mediums can be fooled by evil spirits, as well some may work with bad spirits. There are lots of things, so it hard to make a good judgement about this.

  • Status-Location7676

    August 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    Hope you get your answer

  • TelepathJohn

    August 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm


    1. Love is all that matters. Every way is the correct way when love is applied.
    2. Good spirits give good advice. Bad spirits give crappy advice. Your own dark side being the most disturbing. Hitler woke the world up about man’s inhumanity towards man. Some see this as a necessary thing to have happened. The most frightening demon is an ignorant human as I see these things. They can not really be avoided. Better to learn how to deal with them.
    3. Trust that you are divinely loved. Look for that when conversing with spirits. The most popular method of communication is telepathic self talk. Some like to use tools like cards. Eventually you will need to be connected to spirit to make real progress. Avoid using protection of any kind. Depend instead on becoming self empowered.
    4. Yes witches are those who work with the greater reality energetically. They were targeted because they could heal. This will truly frighten those who are conditioned to do only what the authorities tell them to do. If you choose to become self empowered you will also frighten those who only know how to live in fear. My guess is that the medium wanted you to know about one of your ancestors(who may even be you).

  • saltygirltarot

    August 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    I would start by doing some reading and research, so you can sort of come to some of your own conclusions about what seems to resonate for you as true. Here’s a list of resources to check out:

    Spirituality/guides/intuition: Caroline Myss, Sonia Choquette, Esther Hicks, Wayne Dyer, Sharon Farber, Lorna Byrne, Lisa Campion

    Mediums: John Edward (he’s written several books about the process), Lisa Andres

    Near Death Experiences: Eben Alexander, Rev. Peter Panagore

    Podcasts: Psychic Teachers

    I know of more than these, but this list is what came to mind. Some of these have crossover and talk about mediumship and spirituality, for example. The podcast listed here goes in depth into a lot of these topics that you are asking about and mention tons of resources in their pocasts, which I believe are published weekly and go back maybe ten years.

    This is certainly not an exhaustive list and only represents things I’ve read or listened to that I found personally helpful to me in understanding some of these topics. They might or might not resonate at all with you. All of them have been fascinating, whether I agreed totally with them or not. Best of luck and enjoy your research!

  • Pieraos

    August 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    Read the Seth books by Jane Roberts, especially [this one](

    “If you believe you will be met by a demon, you will create your own thought-form of one, not realizing that it is of your own creation.”

    “It is, of course, possible under such conditions to meet a thought-form belonging to someone else, but if you do not believe in demons to begin with, you will always recognize the nature of the phenomena and be unharmed.”

    “If you believe in demons you will meet them — in this life as enemies, and in other realms of consciousness as devils or ‘evil spirits’. …Your feelings, the repressed ones, will seem demonic.”

    “Some ancient tales have come down through the centuries that tell of various gods and demons who guard the gates, so to speak, of other levels of reality and stages of consciousness.”

    “Let me take this moment to state again that there are no devils or demons, except as you create them out of your belief.”

    *- Excerpted from the Seth books*

  • Frankie52480

    August 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    1) most world Religions have truth to them. Yes Buddhism AND Christianity are both correct- to a degree. When you pass divinely inspired info onto humans we tend to warp it a bit. Buddhism started off as a philosophy and had zero to do with god but it evolved into the different types of Buddhism we have today that are very religious. In my opinion if you want to know what the truth is, study the Ra Material. It tells us EVERYTHING without all the dressing. From how the universe was created to why we are here and where we go after we die. Hint: there is both a “heaven” and then a new life on some planet waiting forever us when we die. For now most of us will continue to reincarnate on earth.

    2) great question! And Ra has an answer for that (and literally Everything else). Source (god if you prefer) gave us (itself!) free will. We can literally do anything we want thanks to this. Most beings choose the path to others (being of service, kindness, doing good) while a smaller percentage choose service to self (selfish, narcissistic, “evil”). Earth is the place we choose which path to take because let’s face it- this is where all the shit happens. Those who choose to be “good” will eventually reincarnate at fourth density and go onto a planet that vibrates at that level (earth is actually moving into fourth!), while those who choose “evil” will go to their own planet that vibrates at fourth density (these exist in the fourth dimension). So then what is a demon? Simple- it’s a being who chose the path to self. We can’t see them because they exist in a different vibration. They are consumed with hate and live off of fear and darkness- hence why they like to mess with us and latch on when we are in deep depressions or anxiety. And yes it’s possible to be rid of them but you have to work hard to not be stuck in that dark place.

    3) I use a pendulum. I ALWAYS start by blessing it by calling in my guides and other “high density, positive polarity beings” (we think they’re angels but they’re just advanced GOOD souls). I affirm that the space is sacred and only high vibrational beings are welcome. Then I begin. It IS just like a quija board in how it works so keep that in mind. If it scares you then don’t do it. But even if a negative being sneaks in- the way to be rid of them is to assert yourself from a place of LOVE. They get repelled quickly. Ps I only use it when I’m feeling really positive and not when I’m down.

    4) your ancestor was likely a medium. To them that’s the same as a witch. Because they didn’t understand her and how she was doing the things she did- they killed her 🙁 but we’ve had mystics and psychics for as long as man has walked the earth.

    Source: The Ra Material (a very long series of interviews with a high density, positive polarity being), found in book format.

  • robertjoseph2

    August 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    1. All religions share the same source, heaven is real but basically every major organized religion grossly misinterprets it. How can the living and those who have never died accurately interpret heaven? Tibetan Buddhism is the most accurate based on my experiences (source: I’ve died and been to “heaven” “clear light” “diamond consciousness”, returned back to my body.)

    2. Good spirits, you’ll know. You won’t be fighting, arguing, creating walls between yourself and others. When good spirits are around there is clarity and openness. With that said, “bad spirits” really aren’t that horrible unless you take it all super personally. Don’t run away in fear from bad spirits, look them straight in the eyes with curiosity.

    3. Look within yourself for spiritual guidance! You know yourself best!

    4. I mean aren’t we all witches? Our human history and ancestry is soaked in paganism and witchcraft.

    Anyways, really interesting to think about. My advice is to live in the present and practice compassion, openness, and loving kindness to all, even your most vile enemies, to the best of your ability.

  • kathy8675309

    August 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    The answer to question number one, is whether you are a medium or not, you are going to have your own personal beliefs in who you worship, me personally I seen Jesus when I was 7, but some say it was because I was brought up catholic? I think no matter who we believe is on the other side there is another side, and there is going to be spirits helping us through this incarnation, no matter what you call them. Number 2 I can feel bad spirits they make me feel shaky and uneasy, some people say that bad spirits like shadow people were never human? and they come from hell basically, and angels are the same they were never human and came from heaven. Spirits can be bad if they did bad things in life, or they can be good if they did good things in life, or are in a good [place. It](https://place.It) seems like our world is all about balance? Number 3 yeah I wouldn’t play with the Ouji boards too many people ended up with haunted houses after. With your spirits guides they are personal guides sent just for you, you can talk to them just like you talk to people that are in the flesh because they were in the flesh at one time to. Number 4 I think a lot of people with a gift were labeled witches, because they were different from everyone else, they had a gift that at the time they couldn’t understand was supposed to be helpful? I think a lot of witches as they called them, lived out in the woods by themselves because it made them feel safe, and since people thought black cats were bad luck, they gravitated to witches because they were both outcasts really. I have been called a witch before because of my gift, but it doesn’t bother me because my intentions are good.

  • RicottaPuffs

    August 18, 2021 at 6:42 pm

    I think your confusion is between religions and spirituality. Religions are belief systems established by human beings in order to explain the Universe and existence. Each religion has its own philosophy and worldview, developed and refined by the practitioners of that religion. No matter the religion, there are viewpoints that they establish to explain our world and spirit.

    Ask 100 mediums about religion and you will receive 100 different perspectives.

    Spirituality is the practice and exploration of this and other worlds, based on observation of and interaction with spirits of all kinds.

    One difference between religions and spirituality is that religions classify spirit. good/Evil, Angel/Demon. It is an attempt to understand, yet again, religions are based on their interpretations of humanity, applied.

    Spirituality is more fluid. The same concepts are relevant, however, there is quite a lot less rigidity and the practices are based on more self exploration than what one is taught.

    There are flexibilities in both manners of perception, religious and spiritual.

    The existence of Jesus as a human, or human incarnation of the divine, or an ascended master or a highly evolved soul, is greatly debated. Some mediums experience him, some don’t. I find him to be very kind and to have a great sense of humor. We have worked together to help souls and he has graciously helped me, when I have asked. For a long time I struggled in my relationship with him and the concept of him and of God or Source. I imagine I will always have that struggle as I continue to learn.

    I do not see him as a deity. That is my personal viewpoint. We have had our trials. Whether he actually lived or no is a matter of debate as well. I have had my encounters. Is he as described by religious institutions? Not in my personal experience. I am not an expert on Yeshua ben Josef, by any means. I am a student.

    The other side is much more complicated than a Christian concept of that dimension, as are many things we are simply not able to fathom, here in this life. We know some. We cannot know it all, perhaps not even when our souls return there.

    Avoid the Ouija board. i say this ad nauseum. If you don’t know what you are doing you will attract lower energies that are not in the dimensions of higher souls and beings. Ouija practice by the fearful or thrill-seeking is like putting your arm in a working garbage disposal with the power turned on, wearing a blindfold.

    So. One of your ancestors was a victim of the Salem Witch trials. It does not mean she was a witch. If she practiced witchcraft or had herbal knowledge or made those catty girls angry, she was unfortunate.

    It means she did not fit in with the larger group of Puritans, or she had property they wanted, or, that she spoke out against something she believed was wrong, or she was a mother, poor, pregnant outside of wedlock, defended an accused person, or, lived on the margins of their society.

    One poor victim happened to be an outspoken barmaid. It that makes one a witch, I have been guilty for years. It does mean that she was fortunate to have descendants or relatives who were not executed.

    I do not consider myself an expert on the trial. I have studied them excessively and feel most of what occurred was a landgrab. And the girls were either settling scores or decidedly vindictive.

    The medium picked up on this. Ask her why she told you? Perhaps she thought you would find it interesting. It did provide you with a point of interest in history. Perhaps she thought it was interesting herself. If you don’t ask the medium those questions, you will not get her answer.

    Spirits are spirits. Good and neutral ones do not mess with you or try to elicit fear. It is that simple.

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