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Forums Forums Mediums Is this real or just my imagination?

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    I’m a very rational person so I think very critically about everything. I certainly understand that spirits exist. I’m unsure about how they connect and interact with our existence on Earth however. I’m only asking today because of what’s been happening over the last couple of weeks.

    So, since about 2-3 weeks ago, I have felt a little on edge in my house. It’s that feeling you get after watching a horror film and you spend the whole night on edge, contemplating what could be lurking in the darkness. But that feeling usually dissipates after a day for me. What’s strange is that I have been feeling like this on and off for a few days and I haven’t watched any horror films recently. I’ve just been thinking about it and I don’t know why. I keep thinking about something suddenly tapping on my window or a face appearing as I open the curtain like a jumpscare in a film, as if there is some scary presence near me.

    I’ve also been having nightmares. I don’t usually mind nightmares. I actually often enjoy them because I typically cannot feel fear in my dreams so scenarios that would be horrifying in real life become thrilling experiences in my dreams. And I like them because I am quite an intense person who likes a bit of drama in their life.

    Nightmares are somewhat rare for me though so it’s odd for me to have multiple instances in the space of just a few days. One was scary though. It was the very first one that kicked it all off. It was a jumpscare. Have you ever heard of someone having a jumpscare in a dream? I haven’t. Like, rather than the dream simply being scary, it’s as if my mind had actually intended to scare me. I was thinking about jumpscares the day before however so that will have something to do with it but it was still terrifying.

    Basically, I was lying down and I got up to look in the mirror and as soon as I saw my reflection, right next to me in the mirror was the scary nun from *The Conjuring*. I started swiping right next to me but she was an apparition so my hands just went right through her. I was also trying to scream but my throat was paralysed and wouldn’t let out a sound. I was wondering why my throat just croaked when I realised that I was asleep and so I woke up.

    I’m only saying this because of what happened last night. Last night, as I was falling asleep, for a few seconds, I envisioned a woman walk up to my half-asleep body and sit behind my back (since I was asleep on my side) and she put her hand on my arm. She was dressed in a black cloak like a nun but I couldn’t see her face. I didn’t feel scared this time though. I had nightmares that night as well but they weren’t scary.

    So how do I know that this woman in black is a genuine presence? I could easily write this off as just my imagination. Is there a way to tell between active imagination and genuine spiritual reality?

    Edit- it just now occurs to me that a shroom trip from around 3 weeks ago may have something to do with this. Did the shrooms instill me with fear or maybe are they opening my mind up to new possibilities of mediumship?

  • Is this real or just my imagination?

     saudadeusurper updated 2 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 3 Replies
  • xguy18

    December 18, 2021 at 10:35 am

    Or is this fantasy, caught in a landslide no escape from reaallittyyyy…

  • RicottaPuffs

    December 18, 2021 at 10:35 am

    You can’t know if this is real unless you hire a medium in your own town and in your own place to look into it.

    In light of your fear of nuns and your nightmares, I would really let a professional decide.

    I am a really serious critic of the complete nonsense in the Conjuring films. They are fiction. They are not reality. However, young people seem to become confused about what is real and what is utter fantasy.

    That is how two young teens attempted to murder their best friend on the basis of a fanfic character. They threw their lives away and ruined another life by believing a story.

    Yes. Our film choices can influence our dreams. If we are highly suggestible, we can imagine that we see movie characters in the mirror. Sometimes, spirits attracted to those who love being frightened, mess with them. They are easy prey.

    Drugs cause hallucinations. Drugs cause hallucinations. Shrooms are reputed to do exactly that. Contrary to some of the current hype, about substances and experiences, hallucinations are not trustworthy. You were tripping.

    You will get advice here, but, my advice is to lay off the horror films and consult a medium in your area to tell you what, if anything is in your home. Being high is not mediumship.

  • t3ntric1

    December 18, 2021 at 10:35 am

    Bring your imagination under control.

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