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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing I’ve deleted this post several times as there’s so much more going on in the world for so many more people that I feel greedy to even ask but

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    My one year old, wife and myself all have covid. I got it around this time last year and it wasn’t half this bad including my hospital stay. Wife and I both got fully vaccinated and it’s not doing a damn thing. My parents got it about a month ago and it lasted about a month they’re fully vaccinated and have had 2 boosters their doc said this new variant is the most contagious so far and it doesn’t matter if you’ve had shots or had it before. My three year old has mild symptoms and we’re doing everything we can to keep her from getting it if she isn’t just lucky already (I do believe she’s talks to nature so maybe they’re looking out for her) my wife is being an all star trooper with our two little ones. And it seems as it’s ending with our one year old. Wife is in the middle and I’m just starting and it’s hitting me like a ton of bricks. I feel like I have a healing ability but only for other as I take it from them to myself maybe that’s why the kids are ok and I’m so bad. I don’t know. I just needed a safe space to ramble and talk I’m in Texas and covid still isn’t real here.

    Also the house we moved in about a year ago has been nothing but bad things happening to us. My wife’s mom is what they call a bruha in Mexico and she said there’s bad in the house. But we can just pack up n go. So if any of you are in east Texas and can help to remove to bad here or can recommend somewhere to go get what I need to do it myself it would be much appreciated.

    Also I would not be surprised if the whole neighborhood was built on graves (as there is a lot of evil here) if anyone knows or can point me in the direction to find the history of this location so that I might give them peace it would also be much appreciated.

    Thank you all for listening and letting me ramble. Keep the light shining on my kids please. ❤️

  • I’ve deleted this post several times as there’s so much more going on in the world for so many more people that I feel greedy to even ask but

  • Wolfling21

    July 26, 2022 at 7:14 am

    Fellow Texan here. I’m sorry you are all Sick. For your home I suggest lots of Salt, Sage and Quartz crystals. Put the salt around all the entrances to the house, Sage the hell out of the place and hang crystals in the windows. Make sure you tell whatever is there that this is YOUR home and they are NOT welcome. See if your Bruha MiL knows anything that could help as well. My husband’s Abuela and Abuelo came from Mexico and majority of the family are either Bruha or Energy Vampire

  • Ok_Internet_9516

    July 26, 2022 at 7:14 am

    Hi there. I’m a fellow Texan. I know things are bad here. Sending you blessings of health and a spiritually peaceful home. Whenever you are feeling better (and you will), consider making an offering to the land you’re living on. This land loves us, but she is sad and often alone. Offerings help her feel loved, just something small and biodegradable given with love.

  • DramaticSwordfis7

    July 26, 2022 at 7:14 am

    Hang up dream catchers above your families bed, they help with bad dreams and warding off evil.

    You can ask the Archangel Micheal to protect your family from negative entities that are causing you trouble. Or any protection guide or spirit to help keep you and your family safe.

    If you are getting sleep paralysis you can recite the Lord’s Prayer until you are feeling safe again. I think that any other type of protection prayer would would too, it’s just one that has worked for me.

    I’m not sure why but having more potted plants in your house would help, like rosemary for protection against evil. Someone is knows botany so much more, can definitely tell you the best plants to help.

    I hope you and your family feel better soon with only good things coming your way.

  • DramaticSwordfis7

    July 26, 2022 at 7:14 am

    Hang up dream catchers above your families bed, they help with bad dreams and warding off evil.

    You can ask the Archangel Micheal to protect your family from negative entities that are causing you trouble. Or any protection guide or spirit to help keep you and your family safe.

    If you are getting sleep paralysis you can recite the Lord’s Prayer until you are feeling safe again. I think that any other type of protection prayer would would too, it’s just one that has worked for me.

    I’m not sure why but having more potted plants in your house would help, like rosemary for protection against evil. Someone else knows botany so much more, can definitely tell you the best plants to help.

    I hope you and your family feel better soon with only good things coming your way.

Reply to: Sam-I-Aint
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