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    So I was trying to do a reading for one of my friends (we’ll name her B). She asked me to do one for her and her ex asking if that was her twin flame and what energies they are sitting in. (There is a reason why she thinks this but that isn’t really essential to my question). When I was doing the first readings I noticed that the cards felt off. The cards were reading my current love connection instead of her’s so I tried to do it again and the same thing happened. So I assumed that either she was blocking me or her ex was so we just scraped the whole thing and forgot about it.

    Fast forward about a few days and another friend asked me to do a reading for her (named friend A). When I was reading friend A’s cards the same thing happened again and I knew for a fact those cards were meant for me cuz they were almost the exact same as the ones from the last reading aside from one extra card and the situation described in the cards did come to pass. I kind of just want to know why am I being blocked from reading cards from these people? I’ve never had this problem before so I kind of just assumed spirit needs me to focus on my situation atm and won’t let me read people for now but idk. If someone knows why this keeps kind of happening it would be nice if you could explain.

  • I’ve never experienced this before with my cards

    citywiccan updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 4 Replies
  • bernadoobie

    February 3, 2021 at 9:35 pm

    I will usually ask them to pick a number between one and five and then shuffle / cut the deck that many times.

    Seems to work well for introducing their energy into the reading, and I’ve even used this method for multiple readings in a row before.

  • Dorsidh

    February 3, 2021 at 9:35 pm

    It isn’t unusual for the cards to give you messgages while you’re reading for others. What I do is make a mental note for myself to check back later, and then I read the cards for the client. It might be a similar message, but if you put your focus on the client, you can usually do a good reading for them.

    When doing multiple readings during a day for different clients, you will often have the same cards come up in more than one reading, no matter who has shuffled the cards or how well they’ve been shuffled. Then you have to work hard to see what the specific messages of those cards are for the current client. This is especially important when you read for two friends/family members in a row. It gets easier the more you read for others, but it does still happen more often than we’d like.

  • Mrs_Macabrette

    February 3, 2021 at 9:35 pm

    I usually prefer to read with querents in front of me and I don’t like people touching my cards, but that’s me and I think that if this has worked for you so far the reason might be different. We’re all different after all.

    Have you tried reading on different topics for the same friends and in the same way? Just curious if it’s just about love readings or on all topics.

    An alternative explanation that comes to mind is that maybe you were not really into reading in that moment/about that topic, so you were more closed off than you might have realised?

  • citywiccan

    February 3, 2021 at 9:35 pm

    How often do you clean your cards? Did your querents shuffle the decks? How did their energy enter the reading?

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