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Forums Forums Tarot just an introduction

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    hi! I am a beginner user of tarot, and honestly, I’ve only ever researched witchcraft and being wicca, never really looked into tarot but new I’ve always felt like it would be wonderful to do, and I’ve just always felt drawn to it.

    i got my first deck a bit ago, I read about anointing the deck, and charging it, etc so I’ve done both, but honestly any advice, or links, or anything to help me in the right direction of reading, history, anything.

    i just don’t trust everything I read, and want to know if maybe there’s some really good books, or articles that are accurate that I should check out!

    i hope this is alright to post, I’m on mobile and will try to make this not look like a text wall, but I apologize if it does. also, mods please let me know if I’m doing anything wrong posting something like this.

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