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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing K.O.S.A. Bill will lead to mass federal censorship and not allow LGBTQ teens to get resources without coming out. And store search history

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    So the Kids online safety act will likely be up for senate vote very very soon. It will limit kids access to the internet. But not only that the only way they can enforce this is to require adults to provide our id when accessing websites that are deemed adult or controversial. Something similar passed in Virginia if you think it can’t happen federally. This isn’t just porn. This will include anything the government deems “controversial”. Meaning in red states it will almost certainly be used to prevent teens from finding LGBTQIA+ resources about education, safety, combating abuse because of orientation or gender identity and more.

    I don’t see a world where the “protect the children” republicans don’t use this as a way to take away online safe spaces. Social media for all its many flaws. Is often the ONLY safe space for LGBTQIA+ kids and teens. From access to anti suicide websites like the trevor project, to just other people like them. And it was certainly the only one I had access to as a kid. This will also means in order to enforce this the government may keep a database of every adult or “controversial”. Website you visit, and even if it’s supposed to be deleted and hypothetically private. What happens if its hacked?. A government that has banned talks of slavery, LGBTQIA+ discussion, and same sex Ed to prevent STIs; CANNOT BE TRUSTED WITH OUR PERSONAL SEARCH HISTORY AND PERSONAL DATA. Please please please, if you care about internet rights, privacy, and online safe spaces for kids who don’t have any other. Please call your US senators.

    Edit: It says it will de-identify user data. But I don’t see how a collection of that much sensitive data won’t be a target for hacking.

    Copy of Parker Mallory’s script for what to write or say. If you are speaking this via a phone call. Please paraphrase and find ways to make it your own. “As your constituent, I urge you to reject and publicly oppose the Kids Online Safety Act.

    This bill will censor the internet for both adults and children while likely leading to online services collecting even more personal data. The bill pushes online services to implement age verification systems, which would undermine all users’ privacy, and invade everyone’s right to access the internet anonymously. It will lead to identity verification companies like Clear or getting more of people’s private data

    If KOSA passes, it would make state attorneys general the arbiters of what material minors can see online. Online services will remove and block access to material in all states. KOSA could result in loss of access to truthful information that one state’s top law enforcement official deems dangerous. This isn’t safety—it’s censorship.

    Please protect all internet users’ privacy and our ability to access information online, and publicly oppose KOSA.”

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