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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Left my moon water out until 9 am. Can I just leave it out again tonight?

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    Totally forgot to set an alarm and bring my moon water in before the sun hit it. Will it still work? I’m making it for manifestation purposes if that makes any difference.
    Also, could I just leave it out tonight too? I’ve read that the rituals during the waning gibbous cycle are particularly good for manifesting so I thought maybe if I leave it out tonight too then Itd be fine?

    Any suggestions would be appreciated. Thanks!

  • Left my moon water out until 9 am. Can I just leave it out again tonight?

  • seashell-babe

    September 29, 2022 at 7:02 pm

    i honestly stopped believing the scary stories of sun ruining my moon water’s power like??? what XD why would it. if that was true then theoretically you could only use moon charged crystals and objects in complete dark or under moonlight or else they would lose the moon energy. ofc you do you, but when i make moon water i just put it outside for the night amd collect it when i wake up

  • BabyBodyMod

    September 29, 2022 at 7:02 pm

    The real question is how do *you* feel about it? *You* are the witch and this is *your* practice. If you feel like it can’t see the light of day then sure, try again tonight. Some people make moon water when the full moon peaks which is actually during the early hours of the morning when there is a bit of sun in the sky (0600 EDT on the 10th if I’m not mistaken) while others do it through the night of the full moon (after sunset on the 10th). Remember that the magick comes from within you and how you relate to the world and cosmos. It is your intentions and spellwork that strengthen it, not the light of the moon on its own.

  • Sad_Dragonfruit7077

    September 29, 2022 at 7:02 pm

    I don’t care if sunlight touches my moon water. I put it out before I sleep and I get it after I wake up. It’s the same light anyways. what matters is your intention and how you feel about it. Trust your intuition.

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