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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Let’s talk about Entity communication, do you communicate with any? If so, how?

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    Let me start this post that if you are audibly hearing things, this should be something that you bring to a doctor.

    Due to the circles that I run in, I think I have a skewed perception of how common it is to communicate with entities of any kind, as in my experience turning to entities for advice and actually receiving it is not uncommon, however me treating it as so has shocked a couple of people, even in witchcraft based communities, so I thought that this may be a good topic to discuss.

    Now that we have that out of the way, I am simply curious, if you work with an entity of any kind, what method do you use for communication? Divination? Letter-board? Automatic writing?

    How often do you communicate?

    What is the funniest, or most useful advice that you’ve received? Share your experiences!

  • Let’s talk about Entity communication, do you communicate with any? If so, how?

  • Young-Warrior-00

    December 19, 2021 at 9:45 am

    I used to have a shadow guide that was just a giant human shadow, like twelve floors building tall. They were very talklative and had a passion for the word di*k and idiot.
    I just got sensations and I said random shit all the time because he was speaking through me. Laughed a lot, learned a lot. They were very funny. 5 years or more, as I am not so sure when I started working with him. They were so excited when I got into witchcraft!

    I used also dreams, pendulum boards, tarot and random symbols to comunicate usually with the spirit. And with the other ones I met afterwards.

    Sometimes I heard their voice, when I was in distress. The funniest shit they told me was mid-breakdown when they were just like: Why are you crying like a stupid girl? I started laughing because that thing was so out of nowhere. Lol.

    Now I talk with my patrons through tarot, signs (they send me once a fucking alive butterfly in the middle of November) and pendulum readings. Sometimes they get me ringing in my ears, mostly when I di stupid things.

  • mechanizedmouse

    December 19, 2021 at 9:45 am

    Depends on how much/the complexity of the info I want…simple guidance I use pendulum or tarot, but tarot can get pretty detailed as well I find I have the easiest time connecting to my personal guides this way.

    I use Automatic Writing for more complicated situations or if I want to talk to a specific Ancestor, Angel, or receive a message from a Diety.

    The deepest work I do with Spirit in general and with my Dieties is to channel them clairvoyantly. There are different levels to this ranging from automatic writing to nearly full possession – I always retain a small space of awareness and I never give an entity permission to move my body from it’s seat.

    It is worth noting that there is a such thing as clairaudience which means you may hear sounds both physically(usually just knocks and whispers or ringing not screams or full on talking) AND with your ‘psychic ears’. The difference between this and audio hallucinations is that you can control your intuitive abilities with meditation/will while hallucinations you generally cannot. If you suspect you may be hallucinating it is best to seek medical assistance.

    The last type of channeling is clairsentience. A way of *just knowing*.

    Oftentimes mediums are a combinations of all three of the types.

    I hope this helps

  • Big-Actuator9242

    December 19, 2021 at 9:45 am

    My world is Dreamworld so I do it there mostly

  • kalizoid313

    December 19, 2021 at 9:45 am

    I am a Craft practitioner. I am open to and comfortable with communication with deities, guardians, and other not-human entities. I address them regularly. They reply occasionally.

    Trads I follow incorporate possession, so communication in that manner–powerful, deep, involving my whole self–is possible. But, mostly, communication involves me coming to some sort of understanding, usually through some creative or sports activity. (Poetry, letter arts, moving through nature, and such.) Inspiration. Nudging to jolting guidance cues. Connection.

    I mostly don’t wonder or fret about exactly how communication happens.

  • Creepy-Dig2468

    December 19, 2021 at 9:45 am

    I can vouch for hanging in a pagan/Ancestor Worship community can skew how common contacting Spirits and Deities is.

    When I want to contact my deities and guides, I usually just talk to them. I chastise inanimate objects all the time so no one I live with thinks it’s weird anymore, and can’t really tell the difference as they stopped paying attention after the hundredth time I snap at the kitchen table for getting in my way. (It’s on wheels.)

    When they want to talk to me it’s a different story though. They contact my a lot through dream imagery. It’s the easiest to interpret. Sometimes certain situations will pop up in my mundane life that serve as an answer. Occasionally, weird thoughts get dumped into my head and my spirit guide will peace out while I try to decipher what the heck he just told me. (This process can take months.)

    I find talking too non-human entities very easy. Figuring out the answers is a lot harder and very indirect. Also, it is very much a trial and error process.

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