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    Let’s talk about power pendants?

  • Let’s talk about power pendants?

    alicesartandmore updated 2 years, 10 months ago 1 Member · 3 Replies
  • mand0lorian

    June 24, 2021 at 4:02 pm

    I have a necklace dedicated to my spirit, totem, and power animals. I do believe that when I wear it, they are closer to me. One time I was wearing it and I held it and simply said “guide me, protect me, and love me” and when I let go I turned and saw a dragonfly land on the fence in front of me a few feet away. That’s my totem animal. A family animal. When my mom died I found all of these dragonfly things of hers. I knew she liked them but didn’t realize how much. From key rings & brooches, to knick knacks and more… they were everywhere. My remembrance tattoo for her ended up being dragonflies because of it. So when I see one, I am in awe and feel she is here with me.

  • Baba_-Yaga

    June 24, 2021 at 4:02 pm

    Thankyou for sharing this! Your work is great and I find it so inspiring to hear how you connect yourself into earthly/animal/cosmic powers to make your way to where you need to be. Keep going!

  • alicesartandmore

    June 24, 2021 at 4:02 pm

    It’s been years since I’ve arranged an alter or participated much in the way of witchy traditions. There has been one constant though. I’ve always believed in the power of objects.

    Pendants in particular are something that I think have the potential to wield a certain influence, even if that influence is just a boost in the wearer’s confidence. I’ve never been a super “girly” girl and don’t wear a lot in the way of jewelry but I do have a small assortment of pendants that I like to wear. Different ones have different meanings and I switch them up depending on what state of mind I’m trying to channel for the day.

    Sometimes it’s hard to put the meaning of a particular pendant into words. The pendant in the picture though, a rather new addition to my collection, is one I found myself assigning a rather specific intent to earlier this evening. So specific that I wanted to take the time to write a bit about it. I think the members of this sub might be able to appreciate or even offer a bit of guidance on the situation I find myself in. So, tonight I write for you!

    To avoid overdramatizing and keep things concise(or at least as concise as I possibly can, I’m excessively wordy so I’m just going to apologize in advance for that), I’ll use a metaphor. I spent over a decade living a very grey life. Four years ago, I decided to make a very abrupt and whimsical change. I’m not going to lie; these last four years have been quite a struggle. There have been all kinds of obstacles; physical, mental, and financial just to touch on a few.

    So much has changed in that time. I hardly recognize the person I’ve become. I still have a ways to go but I’ve learned so much in the last four years and I’ve spent the majority of that time in the company of an amazing team of women in a field I never expected to find myself pursuing. ( I may have to write about the unexpected sequence of events that drew me here at some point but, for now, I won’t be distracted! ) The people I work with have encouraged me to pursue my passions and breathed life back into me. With their support, I’ve managed to put together what I think is a pretty strong portfolio displaying my creative skillset. They’ve also helped me to pinpoint the area I’m most interested in, which is video production.

    I know, I know, I said I was going to keep this concise and talk about pendants, then hit you with two paragraphs about my personal turmoil! I’m sorry! I’m done, I swear! Now that we’re more or less caught up on all that, let’s get down to what really matters! The pendant in the picture! As it happens, when I purchased this pendant, I was in search of an iguana-shaped charm to commemorate an opportunity I had to photograph/interact with wild iguanas back in May(which I’m still hyped about, it was thrilling!). This was the closest thing I could find in a style that worked for me, so I got it.

    I haven’t worn it a lot since I bought it, I guess partly because I was salty that I couldn’t find one that actually looked more like an iguana. Tonight, when I was picking my pendant for the evening though, I had actually pulled another one out when this guy seemed to call to me. That’s when it hit me that I’ve been looking at the reason he made his way to me all wrong. He’s not an iguana, he’s a chameleon and he’s not a vacation commemorative, he’s a power pendant. In fact, he just might be one of the strongest ones I’ve ever owned.

    He made me stop and think about all of the changes I’ve been going through these past few years. He made me think about decisions and realizations I’ve made along the way, think about how they’ve lead me to where I am now. My changes aren’t quite the same as a chameleon’s, it’s been more of a metamorphosis. I left my life of grey and spent the last four years tucked away, making changes and finding ways to add the color back to my life.

    He’s the promise of the next stage of change. He represents finally crawling out of my cocoon and into a better, brighter life. He couldn’t come at a better time, either! I’ve been trying to buckle down and exact my own change, touching up my portfolio, handing out business cards, I’ve even started reaching out directly to local businesses to see if they’d have any interest in working on projects together. As a result, I have not just one but TWO interviews lined up next week, one for a short-term, low budget marketing project with a local grocery chain and another for something with the potential to be much longer-term with the additional prospect of some serious networking(Keeping it vague and mysterious, well, to be vague and mysterious but also to avoid jinxing it!).

    I’m excited for both of these interviews, obviously. Either one would be my first step towards producing videos outside of the work I’ve done at the hotel, which I’m just psyched about. The second though? Geez, I’m swooning just thinking about it. It would be such a huge first step with the potential to open so many unexpected doors. Have you ever wanted something intangible so bad it makes you salivate? No? I’m just super weird? Okay, whatever, never mind then. Moving on!

    Needless to say(though I’m going to anyway, I did give you fair warning earlier), I’m definitely going to be wearing this awesome new pendant for both of my interviews to see if I can’t work a little magic to my favor. Tonight, it’s given me the motivation to make myself a bit more known here on Reddit. I’ll admit, I’ve been debating on posting here in r/WitchesvsPatriarchy for a while now to show off my portfolio/offer my crafty creations to other members, but I’ve been dragging my feet. Despite being excessively wordy, I’m also excessively shy and have a hard time promoting myself without feeling fake.

    If you’ve indulged me this far and are still reading though, I just want you to know that you are absolutely amazing! I appreciate you taking the time to read my long and rambling tale. I’d like to thank you by sharing the link to my portfolio. You’ll be among the first to view it, so I welcome any feedback or constructive criticism on ways I might improve it:

    P.S. If sharing this breaks any rules since the picture wasn’t flaired as marketplace, I apologize and I’ll remove the link!

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