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Forums Forums Astrology Libra Risings- describe yourself and how you come across to others

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    How do you see your Rising sign playing out for you?

  • Libra Risings- describe yourself and how you come across to others

     ErisedFelicis updated 9 months, 1 week ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • mindsetoniverdrive

    August 9, 2023 at 6:35 am

    I’m generally very outgoing, flirty, talkative — I like to have a lot going on around me and be sort of a social butterfly. I’m also very sensitive and have Big Feelings, but that might be my pisces moon lol

  • WittleMisschief

    August 9, 2023 at 6:35 am

    Aspects to my ascendant effect my libra rising. Most people are very comfortable approaching me, flirting, asking me to do things (bc I appear very nice). I smile a lot, “giggle” a lot, and I get along with most people when my libra energy is activated. I try to avoid confrontation and keep my opinions to myself irl.

    I think people assume I’ll be receptive to their romantic advances, when in reality… I’m prudish and too self conscious.

    I somewhat have typical Venusian physical traits and overall friendly face (which I’m not 😈). Multiple beauty marks in different places.

  • Maerkab

    August 9, 2023 at 6:35 am

    Charming in a harmless or innocuous/disarming sort of way. I’m liked by pretty much everyone at work, one boss said I actually get along with everyone ‘too well’ b/c I’d spend a lot of my shifts just talking to coworkers lol. When I worked in customer service I’d get tons of positive customer feedback reports (which it would always surprise me that people even elected to fill those things out, I never do), apparently more than anyone else in the store. It wasn’t even that I was that helpful, I was just a young person working an entry level sales floor role in a big department store, but I was just really good at being affable and attentive.

  • mrHartnabrig

    August 9, 2023 at 6:35 am

    Pleasant. I can get along with anyone. You can take me to meet your mama, daddy and grandparents.

    People can sometimes think I’m nicer than I actual am. This sometimes leads to people attempting to test me or overstep my boundaries. Then they meet my sun and sometimes my moon.

  • 514D55

    August 9, 2023 at 6:35 am

    Friendly, warm and safe…but as I’ve heard from people directly, friends even “unfuckable” I’ve worn this my whole life and it’s been incredibly depressing. I do try to take care of myself and healthy, tried dressing, classic, edgy, chic and retro…it’s just my face that no one wants to wake up next to. I don’t look like the Elephant Man but might as well be.

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