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    Hello! Since I was young, I’ve always believed that I have the ability to sense when something bad was going to take place, and I can sense the presence of spirits as well as (I’m unsure of what exactly to call them but…) thin energy walls between different realms?

    My first prediction that I remember, I was in the 5th grade. I was at home with my sister, it was 2 days after Christmas, and I kept telling my sister I had this horrible pit in my stomach telling me that something bad was going to happen. My sister told me to go lay in bed, bc it was most likely just a stomach ache. About an hour later, my sister yells to me if I smell smoke? We both run downstairs and see smoke pouring from under my laundry room door.. Our dryer caught on fire and did quite a bit of damage to the house.

    The second big occurrence that I can remember was when I was in high school. My parents were going out to a christmas party at my aunt’s house, and I didn’t want to go bc I had that same pit in my stomach. I called them when they were at the party, and urged them to come home immediately. I just had a terrible feeling. They decided to come home, and not even an hour after they left there was a 3 car pile up in front of my aunt’s house, and 2 people died. We were all shook, but relieved they listened to my intuition. The third big occurrence was not as detailed, but I had the gut feeling, and my mom received a call that my great uncle passed from a stroke.

    When it comes to spirits, the only thing I have ever visually seen is a ghost cat. Even my significant other could see this ghost cat in our house. It was a nice presence though. Other than that, I feel like I can hear sprits more than anything, but it never comes through coherently. I feel like it sounds like mumbling from another room (hence the thin energy walls I was sensing). I could really hear them in my previous by my bed. It would come to a point where I couldn’t block it out. Since I’ve moved I haven’t experienced hearing mumbling or seen the ghost cat. I just believe that house was very spiritually filled. I did cleanse it a lot, and imagined sewing up portals to different realms to try and silence things.

    The last thing I’m going to talk about is sitting down with a Medium. Long story short, she told me that I possess two “spirit guides” if that’s how you’d like to refer to them. One is a strong man presence, who presents himself as the same age as me. He’s always on my left (as in, I’m receiving him), very protective of me, and guides me in the right direction. When she was describing him to me, I let her in my energy field and I could feel his hands on my shoulder. It was a warming and comforting experience. My other guide is what I refer to as my Indigo Woman. She’s not always with me, but comes to me when I’m seeking devine feminine advice. She is like a motherly figure. I want to know how to contact them more, and make it known that I’m thankful for their guidance.

    I appreciate any and all advice, similar stories, and feedback! Thanks!

  • Looking for insight on how to enhance my abilities

    c-shadrach updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 1 Reply
  • c-shadrach

    February 8, 2021 at 4:39 am

    They can always hear you. But meditate when you feel called to; and focus solely on surrounding yourself with light and love and specifically asking for one of them to come forward so you may know their name, or another meaningful attribute <3

    I meditated on mine and at the end of the twenty minutes or so of the timer I used (so I didn’t fall asleep and accidently take a nap), she showed me a flash of a picture, like a dream and I heard her voice in my mind and she said her name.

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