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Forums Forums Mediums Lost my best friend September 11th 2019. Does anyone hear anything from him. My heart is still broken. Miss him every minute. His name was Shayne

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    Lost my best friend September 11th 2019. Does anyone hear anything from him. My heart is still broken. Miss him every minute. His name was Shayne

  • Lost my best friend September 11th 2019. Does anyone hear anything from him. My heart is still broken. Miss him every minute. His name was Shayne

     Trent updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 15, 2021 at 4:21 pm

    You can always talk to him and send him your love. I hope you know that. 🙂

    Has he shown up in your dreams?

  • LalalaHurray

    November 15, 2021 at 4:21 pm

    Do you understand Shayne being someone who stands up for other people?

  • LalalaHurray

    November 15, 2021 at 4:21 pm

    So he’s talking to me about standing up for you – against you. “She (?) should get that.” Apologies if you don’t identify as female but that’s what he said.

    He says you’ve been Learning about being kind to yourself but he would like you to try a little harder “what we talked about.”

    He says that being down on yourself has been a lifelong habit for you and that it even is comfortable or comforting sometimes to slip into that mental place. He’s asking you to remember who you are and what he sees, instead.

    Also I’ve got to say he has a way of looking people in the eye when he’s talking to them. this is important because he said it like five different ways, **look him in the eye.** Like I can see him in environment like in the picture pulling someone’s chair closer to him to face him head on he can “talk them down, bring them back. He drew me to a song, look me in the eyes by the Five Willows.

    He also pointed me to the poem Weep Not for Me I had to look this up, by Constance Jennings?. The parts about how much he benefited from your friendship over time are specifically for you. You blessed his life. He drove me back to this paragraph and said say it again. “You blessed, me thank you.”. He is really emotional about this, don’t tell him I told you but there were tears and stuff 🙃

    He’s laughing a little saying that he tends to meet a lot of people who “spiral” and that he was used to “bringing them back to the party”.

    “You know yourself. You know what you gotta do.” You’ve made steps towards improvements in your life and worked at respecting yourself even in the face of those who don’t. He says you have been one of those main detractors. There are lots of people who see the gifts you have to offer and think you are amazing and are waiting for really cool things from you. He said you are running around like “I-iiii dunno-oooo (I don’t know).

    There is something here with a business for you, some thing that you make/produce and he and others are wanting/expecting to see you behind the counter in your shop anytime now. This is hilarious to him because he is saying that social media and self-promotion are going to be key and that “talking good about yourself has been a struggle.”

    Now is a Really key time for you, he’s asking you to keep putting in that mental work for positivity and self love and respect because you’re really about to experience a huge shift in your life where the positivity is easier to maintain. This transformation needs that energy from you.

    You’ve put in a lot of effort when you can over time and if you could keep going With a strong focus right now you will be shifting into a place in your life where all of that consistent effort is not required to be where you wanna be. You will be living there now. “Cruising.”

    So I need to go for a walk but I hope this was helpful for you. He says “take your finger off the pause button and keep it moving.” Look for the song Sade in the 90’s.

    Also, what is the weed connection? 🪴Does somebody grow? if they do then there is a second person who makes some kind of edibles, or to be more specific to what he’s saying, “they have recipes.” I hope that makes sense, if not as a human I am sure all errors are mine.

    There’s someway he stands up off a chair when he’s leaving. Like he stands up facing you and backs away. Does something with his hands too, “pop”?.

    With that I will leave you with his love and blessings.

  • vittoriaangel

    November 15, 2021 at 4:21 pm

    He was super fun and sweet. Sorry for your loss.
    I hear the saying ‘ light the trees or ‘ lite it up’ not sure what it is referring to but he was always ready and down for anything but super stable and good hearted.

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