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    the psychics in this community, you do you guys think about magick?

    I’ve recently gotten interested in doing magick but I had a past life experience where I learned bad magick and the karma came at me hard. so I’m very cautious with what I I get into.

  • Magick

    [deleted] updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 2 Replies
  • Consistent_Insect515

    February 8, 2021 at 2:14 pm

    You can study for years and never get it right. Without an in life guru you will mess it up and things will backfire. The universe is very literal and you will not begin to realize what your words mean until you get what you “wanted.”

    Good intentions or not, the universe is very eager to please and will serve you exactly what your words mean, not what you intend them to mean and this can be bad.

    It is a trial and error risky pursuit, and you will have many errors, so study before you practice. Do not experiment for fun. Find a teacher or school that is well established, intern and study for a good 7 years before you cast your first circle or light your first intention candle. Start small. When you think you have thought of something small, go smaller.

    Understand the difference between the school of occult you choose and another, between manifestation and transmutation… elements will not behave. Mischief spirits are real and can attract stronger malevolent energy. Especially if you have a talent for light work or healing, these entities will be mad at you and seek to undo your good.

    Fire does not banish or quell energy it multiplies it. Use fire only to increase and attract. Stagnant water will reflect, running water will cleanse. Use water to release. Do not banish or expel energy, release it with love and gentle redirection. Asking for something will cost you something else in return and you don’t always get to choose the offering. Gain is sacrifice.

    Make your tools yourself so you can be sure no one has owned them. Crystals, stones and the like will carry the energy of the environment they have lived in so consider these as “used” items you must cleanse.

    Mirrors are doorways that don’t close. Paint a mirror black when you are done with it.

    Your work is private and sacred. Do not include others that are not your coven, do not do a spell on or for someone else even if they ask for it! When you do a spell on or for someone else, make a talisman you can break to cancel the spell.

    Always have an end date for a spell. Perpetual and open ended spells transform over time and take maintenance.

    There is much, much more. Be careful. Take care. Decide who your deity is first. Learn their rules. Obey them.

  • [deleted]

    February 8, 2021 at 2:14 pm

    I dont and wouldnt want to practice it. I feel the universe is abundant and you don’t need magick to get what you want, which is essentially bending the universe to your will. I also don’t think it would reap any good results to force things not meant to happen.

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