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    So for a lot of frustrating adulting reasons, this week has been quite difficult. My having anxiety and adhd isn’t helping either, it’s so hard to focus on being organized when things are falling apart, so I get more disorganized and things get worse 😵‍💫
    I know we can’t Magick away mental illness, it’s not how that works. But do you have a calming mantra that actually works? Or a self confidence spell? Every time I screw up all I can think of is how much a failure I am. I know that’s not right, but I can’t seem to convince myself. What do you do?
    Sorry for the long post. It’s hard to put into words. Thank you for listening 💜

  • Magickal help with brain things

  • ZipoBibrok5x108

    May 20, 2023 at 1:35 am

    The “F*ck That” meditation is my go-to.

  • Oddish_Flumph

    May 20, 2023 at 1:35 am

    A few thoughts, and oh this turned into an essay sorry lol…

    magickal help: if you do any kind of deity work, just ask for help as plainly and as earnestly as you can. Even if you don’t, try asking in an empty room lit with only a candle. In my experience these forces are generally very nice and often responsive, but only when you open yourself up to them. If you’ve ever heard a christian say “you need to let Jesus into your heart” this is basically what their pointing to.

    The big theme is its probobly the boring stuff that is going to help you most right now: journaling, mindfulness, etc. If you can work both sides tho.

    For mantra, I’ve found that endurance and repetition do more than the words themselves. When having bad anxiety or anger I use “aum mani padme hum” which is an ancient Sanskrit mantra. There’s a lot of writing about what it means but really its occult woo woo. Just sticking to it, saying it calmly, with good pronunciation, at an even pace, for a long time. My (some bitch on the internet) understanding of mantras is that they occupy the mind so that the deeper stuff, the stuff that is beyond the ego and self, can shine through. It feels like your boring yourself to death talking to yourself until you fall though into this state of calm and flow.

    On the self confidence spell, I actually used to do something like this. I had what were essential affirmations, covering every area of my life (use chakras or planets or qabala or whatever). First thing in the morning, before phones and emails and work and even breakfast, I would go to my altar, light a candle, and read the affirmations.

    Mundane help for organization: I’ve spent the past couple months focusing a lot on productivity. I don’t have ADHD, but there was an article I printed out that helped me a lot. I can’t find the exact one but [this]( article is by the same author and goes over the same principles.

  • Erdudvyl28

    May 20, 2023 at 1:35 am

    This breathing idea seems to help me with my anxiety. If nothing else, it gives you a moment to pause and let your brain catch up. It doesn’t have to be those particular times and I like Honest Guys meditation because they often start with a variation on this.

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