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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Making your own spells / crafts?

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    So, I’m *brand new* to witchcraft, excuse my possible ignorance and/or rudeness…

    But do the things I craft have to be from others? Or can I make them? Is intent all that matters? Because I have “knowledge” passed down from family members (ie plants XYZ do ABC) that I’d like to incorporate into my own form of craft, but I’m not sure if that’s allowed.

    I’ve seen so many online How To guides, and I don’t want to be disrespectful or come off as holier-than-thou to others. I just like to make my own things, like to be independent, and would like to integrate my family’s ideas into my craft.

  • Making your own spells / crafts?

  • No1Minds

    November 16, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    >But do the things I craft have to be from others? Or can I make them?

    I think I know what you’re asking… Make any and everything you can for yourself. I have made many of my own tools, sachets, amulets etc.

    >Is intent all that matters?

    No. It is a lot but knowledge and energy are also necessary for good spell work.

    >Because I have “knowledge” passed down from family members (ie plants XYZ do ABC) that I’d like to incorporate into my own form of craft, but I’m not sure if that’s allowed.

    Why would it not be allowed?

  • forestwitch79

    November 16, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    In my opinion, you can make up whatever is meaningful and magickal to you and use it. I am not a scholar or an authority, but my take is that a lot of the acts that are considered witchcraft — like spells, rituals, correspondences, celebrations etc — are simply human ways to express the connection between the physical and spiritual worlds. Using local herbs, matierials and symbols in these acts are done in pretty much every culture in the world. When religions (at least Christianity — I am fairly ignorant about other religions tbh) started to take over, they usurped a lot of pagan and in particular Celtic practices and warped them to be Christian holidays and rites. For me, practicing witchcraft is an act of taking the human expression of spirituality and reverence back from the church and celebrating my inmate humanness through these practices. I’m still developing my new practice but this mindset feels very empowering to me.

    If this is a take you’re interested in, I highly recommend checking out Kelly-Ann Maddox on YouTube and her new book Rebel Witch because she is all about picking and choosing and creating a practice that works for you. For example, she considers The Chronicles of Narnia to be a sacred text or will have Freddy Mercury on her altar, because the point of it is the feeling and resonance you have with different things, not that it adheres to any specific standard or tome.

  • NHHS1983not

    November 16, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    You’re going to have a need for a spell that no one has posted. There are a lot of money spells, love spells, etc, but we all have unique needs. I suggest you get as many reference books a you can. Books on magical uses for essential oils, herbs, candles, color, jar spells, etc. Judika Illes compiled an Encyclopedia of spells, which i often use as a starting point. Then look through your reference books for what might work. It will feel like you’re at Hogwarts! And pull together something that you can do that feels good. Write it down and do it. Focus your intention, with the highest good for all concerned, and see what happens. Good luck!

  • LostSpirit00

    November 16, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    As long as you do research, respect closed practices and the open ones (tools, ingredients, be mindful in general), the practice is yours and yours only. Imitation is how we learn in general, but from the basics (like meanings and uses of herbs, what every Tarot card means, or the crystals uses in general) you are the one shaping the craft. So yeah, you can say intuition is key.

    It’s a craft. The foundation is the same (using the world around us in our favor and stepping into that higher frequency), but the path is unique. Anything feels right to you is perfect, as long as you are respectful (smth that is generally valabile in any circumstance).

    Here to help and assist further if needed. 🙂

  • Shin-yolo

    November 16, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    I just created my own wish spell for Samhain, as long as you research the ingredients and the intent is there, you’re set! If you’d like to know the spell feel free to ask^^

  • NervousTaurus

    November 16, 2021 at 6:31 pm

    That is allowed and encouraged as long as you don’t use closed practices!

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