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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Manifestations for a Student

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    Hello, everyone! I’m fairly new to the practice and I want to learn more about manifestation. I want to practice first on my graduate studies (good grades, ace exams, etc + my own efforts of course). How do you think I go about it? I’m so sorry I don’t know much about it. But I’d appreciate all the advice!

    Thank you!

  • Manifestations for a Student

    Scootorius updated 2 years, 11 months ago 1 Member · 6 Replies
  • RavenTruz

    June 22, 2021 at 11:56 am

    This may sound counterintuitive. But I enjoy getting out of my head through multitasking. So I might find a Gor Goddess that has to do with my goals. Like maybe Apollo or Hermes or Athena. Or Bridget is always good for students-Check out her druidic roots. Then I’ll light the proper colored candles. It just matters what they mean to you, Not what it says in the chart somewhere. Then I’ll just surf the Internet and ask for information. Maybe watch YouTube videos remotely related to my subject of study or to study habits in general. Then if the candles are still burning maybe I’ll clean the bathroom. Then finish with a lovely nap. Cakes and ale. There was an eclipse this morning that means everything is getting easier, so now would be a wonderful time for Craft. Hoa La 🌳🐉🍀

  • BrutalHonestyBuffalo

    June 22, 2021 at 11:56 am

    One of the easiest ways to manifest is to sit down and write about it.

    Light some incense (pick something that has meaning, or just light something you like), grab some tea, find a quiet space that speaks to you (I like outside, but sometimes I like my bedroom), and start writing.

    You can make a list of things you want to manifest. You can write thoughts and then reflect. Or you could just sit and think or meditate.

    It’s about setting intention for all things and then focusing on it. Choosing to remain close to the intention for this cycle.

    There are more ways you can get into it.
    Research plants that match your intention, or crystals, or elements, etc. and incorporate them somehow.

    This is your journey, the deeper you fall into your intention, the deeper you focus, the more powerful it becomes.
    Let it wash over you and give it the power you want it to have.

    Over time you will build ritual, it doesn’t have to ask be decided at this moment.

  • Redz0ne

    June 22, 2021 at 11:56 am

    Don’t cast if you fear failing. Cast with the intention and full belief that you’ll study hard, get all the assignments in on time, and pass the course.

    So, start with a statement of intent. Try to word it so that you aren’t letting any of the fear that you may have about failing into your mind. Something like “I study effectively and get all my assignments in on time.”

  • thisnamelackswhimsy

    June 22, 2021 at 11:56 am

    Everything the other commenters said is solid. Of course, the best thing you can do is study hard, and take regular breaks to get your brain out of “grind” mode and into “absorb” mode. Pulling all-nighters is counterintuitive. You’d be better served to study until you’re tired, and then go to bed. Your sleep cycle is when your brain transfers information out of short-term memory and into long-term memory.

    If you, like me, take something out of having physical elements on hand to complement/corroborate your mental efforts, I’ll reveal a little thing that I’ve done throughout my academic career. This is *in addition to,* and not a substitute for hard work and diligence. For any test or other academic tribulation I was anxious about, I always carried a small bit of rosemary (mental clarity, memory) and a tiny amethyst crystal (psychic clarity, luck) with me. I would say “worked like a charm,” but, being realistic here, it was likely the fact that I studied my absolute butt off that was responsible for most of my success. My general approach is, “can’t hurt, might help” with this sort of thing. If there’s zero risk and *maybe* reward, what’s the harm? But, after studying my butt off, I carried both of these with me when I took the GRE and scored *well above* ~80% of grad school-bound college graduates in all subjects. Even math, which is admittedly not my strong suit.

    Also, take a moment to investigate the connection between smell/taste and memory. Have you ever walked into a room an been immediately transported to a specific moment in your childhood based on the way that room smelled? For me, I have strong olfactory associations with used book stores, craft stores, and chrysanthemums (from the first funeral I ever attended). This is something you can harness, and use to your advantage. It’s ultimately up to you to figure out which sensory triggers work best, but as a starting point: Are you a nervous test-taker? Lavender. Worried about your capacity to recall specific information? Rosemary. Needing a general “pick-me-up” trigger? Mint.

    I’ve avoided writing and meditation exercises here, since those have been covered. But they’re good, and valuable practices to put in place.

    None of this is a substitute for good, old-fashioned, hard work. But as a supplement to your study regimen? Absolutely. Again, can’t hurt, might help, what’s the harm? And I have found that these practices do, indeed, help.

  • nation543

    June 22, 2021 at 11:56 am

    Try something with colors. Think of something red or yellow or blue and soon enough something that color will pop up.

  • Scootorius

    June 22, 2021 at 11:56 am

    The text fits the screen as long as you put it on full screen. I’m not sure if this will help but I’ve been trying to put some stuff together. I suppose this would be the beginning of beta stage.

    [Pulling manifestations out of your dreams into ](

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