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Forums Forums Astrology mars in cancer n pisces ppl how do u express ur anger and what gets u angry

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    do yall even get angry tho lol

  • mars in cancer n pisces ppl how do u express ur anger and what gets u angry

    DippedinBronze updated 3 years, 3 months ago 1 Member · 27 Replies
  • cutthroatgal

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    Mars in Pisces here. We absolutely do get angry, you probably just won’t see it unless you’re close with one? This might have something to do with my leo moon 12th house but it’s more likely that I won’t usually confront things that make me mad but that anger festers and boils until something triggers me. I will let my boundaries be overstepped and be resentful about it for months but try to ignore it to avoid conflict/Hope the problem fixes itself. Then something minor will trigger me and I go O F F, very emotional and demonstrative. Starts crying while yelling lol. Feel like I can be pretty passive aggressive if I’m not being conscious about my anger.

    Get angry when I feel like I’m being manipulated/taken advantage of. Angry when ignored and not feeling supported by close ones. Probably lots more…

  • MissAthenaWu

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    I’m Cancer Mars and I cry when I’m really angry. I’m very afraid of getting into the conflict, so I have learned since many years ago to not say something mean back when I’m angry and try my best to solve the problem. But instead of screaming, I will cry.

    I can get angry easily, but people won’t be able to see it. I have my Cancer in my 1H after all plus I’m Aries Sun hahah! And I also get over it very fast, so I feel like it’s no need to make a big deal of it and show people I’m angry haha!

  • QueenBeeofRainbows

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    Mars in Pisces, I get all quiet and can’t find the right words when angry. I often end up crying due to anger but it’s mostly when I’m alone.

    Sometimes, a good exercise session helps diffuse some of the tension.

  • oddballgemini

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    Tbh I don’t even remember the last time I got angry lmao.. I just suck it up, vent it through journalling and then cry

  • Terrible-Succotash30

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    Mars in Cancer. I don’t get angry, I get emotiobal and cry.

  • nocomprendedog

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    I’m pisces sun/ascendant with mars in cancer in 5th house.

    Truthfully, I get angry often. The slightest thing pisses me off and I can feel my blood boil on the daily. I struggle with stress, so I think it’s correlated.
    However, I don’t often let on how I feel. I internalise alot of my anger and end up having outbursts every so often or I get run down/need serious alone time.

  • georgieastro

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    mars in cancer, and normally quite calm but can be passive aggressive. but there’s a side to me that if you mess with friends or family i see red n will shout ( then cry after lol)

  • captjetstar

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    Pisces Mars in the 1st house. I get angry, very quickly and very easily. However, I don’t exactly show it to others unless I’m on the bridge of snapping. That might be my cap sun coming through though. I’m more of a flight person but only because IK if i allow myself to get angry in front of others, there’s no end.

    I also hold grudges forever. If you do something assholey to me, I will remember and will bring it up in years to come, even if YOU yourself don’t remember it.

  • x_chi_x

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    Mars in water signs are infamous for internalizing anger. When Mars is a yang energy and it’s meant to be externalized. Which is why it’s very important for these people to have outlets they can feel emotionally connected to. Rather than emotionally connecting with the anger itself.

    Some thing I’ve noticed is that Mars in a cancer men can actually be really funny. They make themselves the butt of the joke in order to distance themselves from hurt. These people have a good sense of humor. Since cancer is the moon their temperament changes. One day they’ll bite back, another day they’ll be more forgiving. It comes and goes.

    I think Mars in Scorpio is different though. These people can take themselves very seriously when offended. They’ll hold onto this and use it as motivation to either seek vengeance or seek success over someone else.

    I don’t know many Mars Pisces people but just of my knowledge these people can end up becoming complacent with offense. They may believe that they deserve the offense they feel rather than fighting back. It’s very important for these people to evolve and learn that it’s OK to make demands for themselves. Because they’re so inclined to accept other peoples treatment towards them. Instead they get more angry at worldly injustice, things that are impersonal to them

  • Kitchen_Naive

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    One of my good friends has mars in pisces and she is so cute when she gets pissed off, she can’t even call anyone out without having to mention good traits of the person to even it out 😀

  • AquaMoonCoffee

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    I have my Mars in Cancer in the 7th house as part of a t-square with Mercury, Uranus, and Neptune. I don’t get angry very often at all, although I tend to be irritable. When I do get angry I typically go silent or ignore people, vent through music, but if I’m pushed to confrontation I can be very vicious with my words. I probably get that angry or have full blown fights like that a couple times a year at the very most. Usually I get angry, or irritable, when my peace is disturbed – especially at home (my Mars rules the 4th) or I’m around people for too long and my energy gets drained.

  • LucioIsMineBitches

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    Mars in cancer, i’m not expressing my anger, i keep it to myself and torturing my head with complaining toughs.

    In a first time, i will retreat into my shell, and become a little bit cold. Once i’m alone, I will have “death” toughs about people who offended me, imagining them destroyed or crushed into pieces. My anger is expressing in my mind.

    Then i will try to think about myself, i will doubt of me, trying to analyse my behavior, trying to see if the people who offended me are right.

    And 99% of the time they are right xDD because i just can’t stand being angry or having bad relationship with people so i try to understand them and then i seek for a solution.

    Yeah i get angry but most of the time, it’s cool down rapidly and once i start doubting about myself, the anger is finished because i will always try to make things better.

    It’s like criticism. I’m sensitive and i can something have a hard time being criticized.

    In a first time, i try to deny it mentally but verbally i’m like “ok whatever… but i have done it this way!” I always try to stand for myself.

    In a second time, i have dark toughs about the person who criticized me, i wish she would die, that she would get punched or that i would have power and crush her in the floor and walk over her back.

    And third, i finally look at myself and i’m like “maybe it’s true”, yeah i should have done like this !! She/He is right, he only want me to improve… Ok i’ll take his suggestion into account and i will try to become better !

    You might think that i’m a completely psychopath and be scared of me but don’t worry. I never killed anyone and all the dark toughs stays in my mind and i will accept criticism. I just need time to process it. Trust me, i’m a cute little bean, i would never do anything bad or trying to destroy people. I can be grumpy sometimes but in the end i will always try to make the best decisions for people and for me and i don’t hold grudges.

  • dietsodasage

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    I get passive aggressive… oops!!!

  • Popogaming224

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    As a cancer mars (all my personal planets are in cancer) when I was younger I had a very bad temple I would fight anyone lol, so I try to stay away from conflicts as much as possible because when I am angry its hard get me out of that mood. That being said when I get angry and let it out I feel fine afterwards, which is propably my sun conjunct mars acting probably.

  • maiisei

    February 2, 2021 at 1:03 pm

    Mars in cancer – 12th house
    I find my anger to be easily expressed (maybe over the top) with people who i know well and understand me or am in an environment where I’m supported
    I find my anger to be passive and shoved under a rug with people who I found do not understand me or try to (more hostile/unhealthy enviroments)

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