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Forums Forums Astrology Mars is entering Leo soon. What does this mean for natal Leo Mars ppl? What does a mars return look like here?

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    With Mars in Leo approaching, what can those with their natal mars in Leo expect? What do Mars returns look like and any advice to reading mars return charts?

  • Mars is entering Leo soon. What does this mean for natal Leo Mars ppl? What does a mars return look like here?

     luckyduckling8989 updated 10 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • kandillight

    July 22, 2023 at 12:00 pm

    every leo mars’ return will look a bit different, as each person’s mars will be aspected differently, and ruling different houses. for example, a scorpio rising with a leo mars has mars ruling their aries 6th house and scorpio 1st house. so their reset or drive may be going towards their daily health or routines, or their appearance and identity. in reading a mars return chart, assess the house position of mars, the rising sign, see which natal house the mars return ascendant falls into, and any personal
    planets or angles the mars return chart planets or angles is hitting. just like a solar return chart, it gets read solo first, and then laid overtop that natal chart for the full picture and context.

  • probslepsy

    July 22, 2023 at 12:00 pm

    It means something different for each Leo Mars person because there are 12 different houses that Leo Mars can fall into and then a tremendous number of unique aspects that it can make to all of the other planets and angles in a chart.

    For example, if Leo Mars is in the 2nd house it may involve money. If it is in the 5th house it may involve recreation and pleasure. If it is in the 7th house it might affect your relationships. If it is in the 10th house it may impact your career and reputation. Etc.

    And that’s before considering all of the possible aspects to other planets in your chart. It’s…a lot =] lol

  • GreenBubbleMilkTae

    July 22, 2023 at 12:00 pm

    I have Mars in Leo in 10H conjunct my Leo MC. It’s in a grand fire trine between my 2H / 6H and planets and my 2H and 10H rulers. I’m currently unemployed and been getting so many job rejections. I try to network and it doesn’t work. Been really sad. Idk what this is going to mean for me. 😞 I’ve struggled to find a good job since 2020. I have no confidence and cry everyday.

    I just did a return chart and the ascendant is in my natal 2nd house in Sagittarius conjunct my 2H ruler (Jupiter) and Mars in the 9th house of return chart.

  • Poppyandthekettle

    July 22, 2023 at 12:00 pm

    I’ve got Venus and Mars conjunct in Leo, so I’m here for this transit…. To me it’s about channeling the additional confidence into winning – winning for myself and winning people over 💪 plus as I’m trying to get my fitness back after having my last bubba… I’m already feeling the extra energy to help me feel motivated to get back to being my best me!

  • thudly

    July 22, 2023 at 12:00 pm

    A Mars return happens every 2 years. This is why toddlers go through the “terrible twos”. They suddenly become very aggressive, rebellious, or just have a huge amount of hyperactive energy.

    For adults, every two years you get a boost of aggression or hyperactivity in the house and sign your natal mars is in. In Leo, that means creativity, relationships with children, short-term flings, romance, and booming boastful pride and self-assurance. Or self-absorption on the dark-side.

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