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Forums Forums Magic, Witchcraft and Healing Maybe I’m behind the game, but I just realized how very pot-kettle-black things like exorcisms are.

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    I’m watching *The Chilling Adventures of Sabrina* and I just came across the scene where the ‘witch hunters’ storm the Academy. The Weird Sisters fight back with (tv) witchcraft, but then the hunters start chanting (tv) holy rites and incantations and the Sisters eyes begin bleeding.

    Exactly how is only one of these things witchcraft…? They both work based in incantation (and sometimes both use potions and objects) and a power bigger than themselves. I mean it’s always been known that witch trials were about suppressing women, but for some reason this seen really drove home the ridiculous hypocrisy of it all.

    May we all escape the crucible, my lovelies.

  • Maybe I’m behind the game, but I just realized how very pot-kettle-black things like exorcisms are.

  • AJSLS6

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    The christ card, their power comes from christ your power must come from satan.

  • ToastyJunebugs

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    They are both magic. Just because sects of Abrahamic religions claim what they’re doing isn’t magic because it comes from ‘their god’ doesn’t mean that’s correct – it’s just semantics to make themselves feel better.

  • jenkraisins

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    Way back when I was still a happy Episcopalian, my mother and I started exploring AOL Dial-Up. There was a message board community called COMB (Christian Online Message Board.) It was fascinating and depressing at the same time. It was my first person-to-person exposure to Evangelicals. I was told I was going straight to Hell because I didn’t believe the way they did. They started my journey to eventual atheism.

    I looked at it this way. I didn’t say the right magic words at the correct time in the correct way so that’s it for me.

    So I completely agree with you. When they do it, it’s not magic, it’s GOD. When others do it, it’s SATAN DESTROYING EVERYONE! This is why I get a serious kick out of religious (read Catholic) horror movies. My BFF and I went to see The Conjuring part 2. I laughed my head off that only the Roman Catholics can save us! Just think about the possession-type horror movies. It’s generally the RC to the rescue.

  • baddiewinkle

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    Being raised catholic, I’ve seen from the inside it really is all very fucking witchy and totally hypocritical. Ashes on your forehead to remind you of your mortality and to show penance for your sins, being anointed with oil at confirmation (where everyone is wearing decorative robes), priests blessing your throat for good health, blessing your basket of food at Easter, rosary beads, holy water, the Eucharist, incense for a special mass, the resurrection and all the miracles Jesus performs. Then there’s also all the saints, which are canonized as the patron/patroness of whatever and then are prayed to for that purpose… and that’s the things I can rattle off on the top of my head.

  • AncientHighlight4515

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    Yeah. Imagine eating bread that has an incantation/chant said over it to represent the body of someone who was murdered hundreds of years ago. And drinking wine/water that represents his blood! Nuts. Talking with God? Feeling the spirit? Sounds like a seance to me!

  • Reddywhipt

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    I went to a Methodist school (relatively tame as christian sects go), and my path to theism started at 10;years old when the concept of an omnipotent God being Jealous stuck in my craw. “Jealous of what?,” I thought. So much logical inconsistency but that one was thonevinjusr couldn’t get past.

    Looking forward to seeing these shows

  • Tricky_Dog1465

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    I feel the same way every time I see a “demonologist’ or priest on some paranormal show do a house bleeding or cleansing.

    Exactly the same thing witches do, except add “in the name of Jesus Christ.”

    But witches are the ones all bad *rolls eyes*

  • External-Seesaw6590

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    I highly recommend listening to the Esoterica channel on YouTube to learn more about the Intersectionality of high religion and witchcraft. It’s super informative and, as a bonus, you get to learn about Judaism and Islam in the process.

  • Thelibstagram

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    Please some describe to me what the object crucible is again.

  • Deimos-Camper

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    It’s all witchcraft, lol.

  • Puppyhead1978

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    “Don’t worship objects & idols, here take I this crucifix, trinity, & rosary beads & pray to the saints you need help from.” If organized religion didn’t have Hypocrisy they wouldn’t have anything!

  • alwayspookyszn

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    That scene and many parts of the show are showcasing those exact hypocritical beliefs of Christianity. We see Sabrina critically question the Church Of Night and their beliefs many to which Zelda says ‘it’s always been that way’ and ‘it’s tradition’. On both sides blind belief is shown to be a fallacy. One of the two just became mainstream, but honestly it could of easily been Witchcraft instead of Christianity as the most widespread religion

  • [deleted]

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm


  • [deleted]

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm


  • LewsTherinIsMine

    February 7, 2023 at 5:05 pm

    I haven’t watched Sabrina or Wednesday past the first episode. Both shows just gave me the nopes.

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