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    I had a mediumship reading a short while ago and at the time, it (sort of) felt like the medium was connecting to my loved one. But thinking back to it, there wasn’t that much information to assure me that they actually connected to the loved ones. A lot of the info was stuff I wasn’t really aware of or seemed vague. For example, they mentioned a memory of a loved one that I don’t remember at all. Wouldn’t spirit describe a memory we both know? And it felt like most of the appointment was just the medium giving me descriptions from the spirit. But there were hardly any messages unless I asked questions.
    I was hoping to get more from the session and left feeling slightly disappointed.
    Did any of you have similar experiences ? And for the mediums here, do you get readings where the spirit is quiet or just showing up but not saying much?

  • medium reading with no message?

     Neville updated 2 years, 5 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • technocassandra

    November 11, 2021 at 7:16 pm

    Mediums can vary in quality, some very accurate, some more vague. Generalities and “cold readings” are basically a no-no. But, having said that, sometimes the medium just has a bad day. I’ve given readings that were amazing to the sitter, very specific, and others that were complete duds. Being tired, hungry, and just out of sync with the sitter or the spirit one is reading can all play a factor. And you can’t “command” a spirit to come through–if it’s a recent passing, often they need a period of hibernation to recover and come through. “Tuning in” for them–as well as us–takes energy, and sometimes they’re just not up for it.

  • Melonby77

    November 11, 2021 at 7:16 pm

    I think if the medium is having an off day and they know it, they should offer a partial refund. I know I would. Otherwise it’s just cold readers who give you next to nothing or vague answers.

  • MamaSmAsh5

    November 11, 2021 at 7:16 pm

    Im new to mediumship but so far, it seems that sometimes I just connect stronger with certain spirits or that they have much more urge to tell me things. Some are just very vague and barely give me a thing to share. I blame it on the fact that I’m new and still trying to learn how to do this. It’s hard for me as well when it’s like this because I don’t want to disappoint or leave someone hanging but I’ve been honest when it doesn’t happen…I can’t force it otherwise, it would obviously be false and not what I want either.

  • arlenemills_medium

    November 11, 2021 at 7:16 pm

    I understand what you are indicating, there are mediums of various levels, training and experience. Consider the link.

    I wrote a blog on why spirits communicate certain information…. Consider checking it out, I believe you may find interesting and helpful… Cheers and best wishes.

  • AngelikaVee999

    November 11, 2021 at 7:16 pm

    Your story seems like that your medium is a fake or inexperienced medium.

    When I connect to a person on the other side, my clients always tell me that how I behave and how I talk is exactly how they did talk and behave. For example, I would use words or yell a word that they used often. As the medium I am often aware of this and I let them know that this if the energy of their beloved one.

    For my online services, a medium shouldn’t look at “memories”. I feel like this a sign, why your medium is fake. Because I start my reading with information about the connection. I am not looking for “memories”, I even barely get these. I get more like visions about the person themselves. Most of the times I can feel how they died and what they are like as a person. I purposely start my reading like this to let my client know that I am in fact connecting to their person! Then I allows them to ask them (through me) questions.

    Feel free to contact me if you would like to know more or want my help. I hope my information above will help you to put your experience in place!

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