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Forums Forums Mediums Mediums gifted and knowledgable specifically about past lives willing to talk with me?

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    Hi r/mediumreadings

    What the title says…

    I’ve always been very interested in the concept of past lives and life review.

    What I’ve already put into learning more about this on my own: I’m fascinated with NDEs and enjoy reading about those as well as different religious and cultural takes on past lives. With religion in general, I’ve noticed I tend to focus on the similarities and for this reason, truly do feel that we are all one — I think some of us have just forgotten. When I was young, I read a book called The Five People You Meet In Heaven that I think that really sparked some spiritual awakening within me and allowed me to be open/shift any preconceived perceptions. I’ve always had experiences with claircognizance and have been working on my own spiritual development and clairs over the last few years. I think my interest, openness, and strong sense of intuition has a lot to do with my past lives…I’ve tried to access my Akashic records through meditation. I haven’t been able to see them yet but still working on that. I know it takes time and am certain I will be able to view them when I’m ready. So, I have already tried to ask my guides for help with this and meditate on it. I’ve also been looking into ancestral healing. I think I have an inclination about who I was in one of my past lives, and possibly how I died in one or many of them due to reoccurring nightmares I had as a child…I was just wondering if anyone here gifted and knowledgable about past lives would be willing to talk with me more about the subject and offer me some validation/provide some clarity with what I’ve been able to pick up on my own? I’m happy to do my own spiritual work and know it’s part of the journey – I don’t want or expect someone to give me all the answers! But I think some guidance and help filling in the blanks would be really helpful for me and my development 🙂 thank you!

Reply to: ladybug5551111
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