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Forums Forums Mediums Mentors? Or advice on how any of you learned how to hone in on your gifts

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    Wondering how and if any of found/ have a mentor. I’m def 10000 percent naturally gifted with much more intense than the average persons intuition but realy wanting someone more experienced to help me refine and learn more about my abilities

  • Mentors? Or advice on how any of you learned how to hone in on your gifts

     Neville updated 2 years, 6 months ago 2 Members · 1 Reply
  • TheSaltyTarot

    November 11, 2021 at 1:09 am

    Old-fashioned apprenticeships are a lot of commitment for both parties, but it’s perfectly valid if you mostly practice alone, as long as you regularly connect with your community.

    Could I ask what you do? What kind of practitioner have you made of yourself?

  • aspen-syrup

    November 11, 2021 at 1:09 am

    I have been lurking here, gleaming any kind of wisdom that may help myself with “medium’ship”. I honestly do not know if I am a medium or not. I would love to find a wise person or guide to help me on this journey, but it is very challenging to find someone. I come from an ancestry of natural spiritualist, Noaidi, but I would never call myself Noaidi since I have not had any training or guidance. I do wish to travel back to my ancestral homelands in Sweden/Norway, and seek guidance if they would accept me, but it is a challenge with a young family and a world away.

    I am blessed to have a very understanding companion, who has helped me gently on this, what I would call, abnormal, confusing, and challenging journey. My companion has helped me find my “ancestral spirit family”, for lack of a better word or description. My ancestral spirit family have acted as a guide and protector for me. It took many years of upheaval mentally to finally accept ‘them’ as part of myself.

    I have spent many years with counselling, psychologist, and different anti-depressants/anti-psychotics, and while they did help block out ‘strangeness’, it was the most alone I have ever felt in my life. It is, however, a huge comfort knowing that western medicine and mental health will be there for me if we (my companion and I) decide it would be healthier for us (our little family) to seek conventional western health/medicine. I can not be certain, but I believe there would have been a very high probability of checking myself into a mental institution, if I were alone and left so vulnerable and confused. I am not saying that would have been a bad thing necessarily, since I do have to live within the cultural confines of western society, but perhaps it would have been a chance lost from taking this positive journey I am now on.

    The cautious acceptance of my ‘sight’ or ‘dream walking’ or ‘channeling’ whatever it is to be called has actually been very healthy for myself, my family, and my relationship with my companion and we believe this is the most important gauge to decide if I/we continue. It certainly has been challenging at times, like most relationships, but predominantly it has been positive.

    With all this said, here are some ‘rules’ I meditate on and adhere too for a healthy journey of ‘seeing’, ‘speaking’, and accepting positive ‘spirits’ to work through me.

    1. Love yourself, respect yourself, believe in the good of yourself.
    2. Have an anchor. Something or someone who can anchor yourself to this reality.
    3. Your anchor is sacred. Love your anchor, respect your anchor, and believe in the good of your anchor.
    4. Protect yourself, and the ones closest to you. Protection can take many forms. For myself, my anchor also protects me from ‘spirits’ that are malevolent or unknowing spirits that may harm or cause negative actions no matter how good their intentions are. I am also blessed with also having my ancestral spirit family to protect me and filter out the unwanted noise and paths that should not be taken.
    5. Balance yourself. Your physical body has needs, food, exercise, rest, social contact. Meet these needs so you can be healthy and strong physically and spiritually.
    6. Reassess after each ‘event’. Even if nothing happens, reassess to make sure what you are doing is still healthy for you. You and your health (and others close to you) is the most important thing before anything else.

    This is all I have besides my own anecdotal experiences.

    I wish you well on your journey, and blessings to you and your kin.

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