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Forums Forums Mediums Message of the Moment: The cave offers shelter and a space to create!

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    I provide generic messages that I receive through meditation whenever I can. You can read more about my reflections on these messages at my free blog:


    “Do not fear the cave, for it offers refuge from the harsh elements outside. It is okay to sit in the darkness of the cave as you wait for the rain storms to pass by.

    The cave offers shelter and a space to create. Light a fire, cook food, paint on the walls, read and write, contemplate and express yourself in this mysterious place that can offer everything in the absence of fear.

    You are a cave dweller. You understand that the dangers in the dark shy away from the light you carry through your open heart. You will not find your tribe outside. Rather, you will find them deeper inside the cave of yourself. They are waiting for you to arrive.

    Shine bright, go deep, and discover.”

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